brilliant.. erin mckean redefines the dictionary.
serendipity - finding something interesting by chance because finding what you were looking for is too difficult
paper is the enemy of words
if you love a word use it - then it becomes real
if you ask for help you get more done
worry less about control and more about description
internet is great for collecting words because the internet is made up of collectors
just - they don't show context
a word without it's source is like a cut flower
the dictionary = the whole language
we could make the dictionary the whole language if we got a bigger pan... make the dictionary what people need - all the words - leave the asethetic judgement to the writers and thinkers
just watch it - she's fabulous..
thank you for sharing this video @cocreatr
she said in her talk...computers don't change the process... does she mean just in regard to being a dictionary?