Organizations are incorporating more and more real-time data—all those electronic bread crumbs we leave behind as we do our work—into performance assessments. In response, employees waste a lot of valuable energy managing impressions. But tools that separate data-informed feedback from the evaluation process help lower people’s defenses and put the focus squarely on productivity and problem solving, where you want i
valuable time impressing..
make judgment irrelevant
Rypple within three years of its launch for $60 million. It’s now called “You simply had to ask, ‘How am I doing at X?’” explains Rypple cofounder Daniel Debow, “and the answers were purely for you.” Because only the recipients had access to their feedback, fear of repercussions was removed from the equation. Further, Debow notes, those giving the feedback submitted honest, useful appraisals—with assurance of privacy, they didn’t have to worry that candid criticism might damage colleagues’ reputations.
But during a “G-force event” (any erratic driving incident that causes gravitational force, such as excessive speeding, slamming of brakes, or sudden swerving), the light blinks red and green. If the force is strong enough, the light turns red and the camera stores footage from eight seconds before and four seconds after the event. (On average, each vehicle’s DriveCam stores about five minutes’ worth of video a month.) The DriveCam also records key metrics, like the truck’s spee
There was no ill intent—only a rational calculation about how to be most productive without having to waste time on explanation
By shielding employees from observation, the curtains supported local problem solving, experimentation, and focus. But within the curtains work became much more transparent. Partly for that reason, defects remained extremely low, even as throughput rose. And over time the camaraderie within boundaries made the workers more likely to share—as a group—their privately worked-out solutions with other lines.
Valve’s 400-plus employees are allowed to allocate 100% of their time to projects they feel are valuable to customers
No one has the role of keeping tabs on the cabals or shuttling information back and forth.) This gives the cabals more freedom to investigate ideas.
When one employee started a cabal to explore how Valve could get into hardware, the team was initially tiny. Had it immediately tried to rally the support of the entire organization of software engineers, the hardware concept might have been dead on arrival—it’s hard to persuade lots of people at once to embrace anything new, even at Valve. But acquiring a few followers with whom to experiment and create prototypes was doable. Gradually, the hardware cabal accreted people and resources, gaining scale and momentum. To recruit more people to join it, early members eventually had to tell others what they were up to. In other words, they increased their transparency outside the group—but in their own way and when they were ready.
Google doesn’t track when and where its engineers spend the 20% of their time that they devote to projects that interest them personally—but they feel transparently accountable to others within the self-organized teams in which the work gets done. And that protected 20% time has been credited with the incubation of more than half of Google’s current product portfolio, including Gmail, AdSense, Google Talk, Google News, Google Transit, Google Now, and the Google Transparency Report
article from 2012
so why did google stop
and or why hasn't this transformed schools..?
perhaps because
1. 20% isn't enough
2. need 100% time and 100% people for it to last ... thrive... ongoingly..
perhaps ....yes huh.
it easier for individuals to do much of their work without formal teams to support them, teams are actually proliferating rather than dying
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
9/12/14 2:04 PM
A wonderful curated collection of SHOTS OF AWE featured on @ideas - thanks
Seth Mnookin (@sethmnookin)
9/12/14 8:31 PM
While yr enjoying football this weekend, remember: 1/3 of men on field will be brain damaged by what you're watching.…
Electronic Intifada (@intifada)
9/13/14 4:01 AM
Israel jailed influential Palestinian writer "to remove him from society"
Tech Delight (@techdelight)
9/13/14 6:22 AM
Reuters: Microsoft to announce Mojang buyout for $2.5billion on Monday.
Bernadette Jiwa (@bernadettejiwa)
9/13/14 6:23 AM
Kevin Spacey challenges Content Marketing World 2014 attendees to tell better via @clevelanddotcom #CMWorld
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
9/6/14 7:06 AM
Google head: we can build "coalitions of the connected" just like we did with the military to invade…
New from filmmakers Katy Scoggin and Laura Poitras: the short film "Chokepoint," which follows reporter Marcel Rosenbach of DER SPIEGELas he informs the staff of a German communications firm that they have been targeted for surveillance by British spies. 106026217
Read the full piece at The Intercept:https://firstlook. org/theintercept/2014/09/14/ nsa-stellar/
If you are considering adopting our Networked course, MIT Press will send you a free copy.
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If you adopt our Networked book for your course, either me or @lrainie will give a 1-hour skype or f2f lecture to your class.
Original Tweet: barrywellman/status/ 511231117647970306
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The BBC tonight hasn't reported one positive #voteyes story: 7 minutes reminding us "it's a big decision, y'know..." Uhuh. I know...
Original Tweet: ewanmcintosh/status/ 511263191419322368
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Synchronicity is a helluva drug.
Original Tweet: Saladinho_/status/ 510705241478537217
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Love, a library card, Internet access, and good conversation borne out of solid relationships are what many families discover creates authentic learning for children at home. you observe your children they will show you, or outright tell you, how you can best help them learn.
9/12/14 2:04 PM
A wonderful curated collection of SHOTS OF AWE featured on @ideas - thanks
9/12/14 8:31 PM
While yr enjoying football this weekend, remember: 1/3 of men on field will be brain damaged by what you're watching.…
9/13/14 4:01 AM
Israel jailed influential Palestinian writer "to remove him from society"
9/13/14 6:22 AM
Reuters: Microsoft to announce Mojang buyout for $2.5billion on Monday.
9/13/14 6:23 AM
Kevin Spacey challenges Content Marketing World 2014 attendees to tell better via @clevelanddotcom #CMWorld
9/6/14 7:06 AM
Google head: we can build "coalitions of the connected" just like we did with the military to invade…
9/13/14 6:32 AM Read this. This is one why this election is a game changer. Wow O Wow! RBS and a whole slew of massive banks are leaving Scotland, legally, in the event of independence. This is real. They’re going to do it, and they’re going to do it because they have to do it, because there’s a power in this world much, much greater than that of the people. It’s that of the markets.
Now, look – some of the banking sector (and it’s crazy to remember this, but it is true) is actually good. For real. It’s a business that works to create and sustain other businesses. That’s what banking is. All this other betting stuff, what it has become, is lunacy. But it’s a great industry, and an amazingly useful one if done with even a modicum of sanity and competence.
On top of that, there’s a lot of jobs here. A lot. A huge number of Scottish people are employed in the financial sector.
But that’s the thing. They don’t care about moving the jobs – nobody needs to physically be anywhere else, it’s a bank. So they relocate head office to London.
No jobs will be lost.
That is the leak. Look this in the eye. And think of this – good GOD. An independent Scotland would be a Scotland retaining it’s massive job-base in financial services, but freed of the danger of the toxic madness of modern banking in one day.
9/13/14 6:33 AM 10 Emerging Women Entrepreneurs To Watch In Africa @Forbes 9/13/14 6:32 AM American presidents didn't have a pension for the first 171 years of the office. h/t@leonardbenardo1
We do not need an authoritarian education that aims to fix children’s deficits according to externally prescribed standards #HGSEa317
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2 excerpts from #thischangeseverything out 2day. Here's @guardian Here's @globeandmail
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Ebola is a symbol that the systems on which we rely for life, food and health need to be nurtured and cared for. Or we die.
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Our social orientation is organized towards warfare and pity charity neoliberalism. Ebola demands actual liberal governance. Let's do it!
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just to let RUK that this is happening in Glasgow right now
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Prison suicides rise by 64% in a year -
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.@rachelbinx's talk at @xoxo just now might be the best talk I've ever seen
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Kate Bush may have been semi-absent from our lives all these years, but it looks to me like she has been fully present in her own. And though we all fret about our work/life balance, in truth, it takes a lot of life to make work this good.
Julian #Assange has now been detained without charge for 1375 days
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Interesting. RT @sequoia: "What these companies are disrupting is not really technology, but regulatory regimes."
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20 min video of the master @mwesch on starting w/ why before what & how when teaching #ccourses
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Educators! Read this via @YongZhaoUO & @BruceLeeTeacher @largerama @LeanneCameron @SimonBreakspear @EduSum
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via sugata
Here is an analogy:
When horse drawn carriages were replaced by cars, the coachman went and the passengers became the drivers.
When cars drive themselves, the concept of 'driving' becomes obsolete.
Apply this to schools, teachers and Ed Tech. What do we get?
Amazing article on the rise of renewable energy in Germany. I had no idea. Truly a revolution. Why not here?
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Unrehearsed, experimental behaviors sometimes cease altogether
executives pick up on signs of covert activity, they instinctively start to monitor employee behavior even more intensely. And
gershenfeld s. something else to do. for all. inspectors too.
beneficial activities, because they believed that bosses, peers, and external observers who might see them would have “no idea” how to “properly understand” them. Even when everyone involved had only the best of intentions, being observed distorted behavior instead of improving it.
They set boundaries between decision rights and improvement rights—establishing zones of slack—to avoid driving out tinkering. And they put boundaries around carefully defined periods of experimentation—zones of time—to avoid both too frequent and too infrequent interruptions. Ac
As social media platforms, wearable devices, and other tools for transparency become more advanced, our sense of being “onstage” is growing. And so, in keeping with the sociologist Erving Goffman’s insights about interpersonal behavior, we spend more time acting, trying to control others’ impressions and avoid embarrassment—particularly at work. We cater to our audience, doing what’s expected.
Oscar Wilde ness