Yale University
Columbia University
University... http://t.co/jfMPglZ6Yr
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/
A system designer’s take on the Facebook study – my response to danah boyd’s blog post http://t.co/zzE8vu344T
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/andresmh/
Interesting film comparing the lives of two teenagers, one in Ladakh and one in the Czech Republic:
posted on fb by carol black
"Life, only moderately messed up" - new blog post on high functioning depression: http://t.co/jkPE3hLBb9
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/EthanZ/ status/486528962093654016
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/EthanZ/
7/9/14 10:34 AM
Fun infographics tell key stories/insights of #resilientcities: "Resilient Cities, Illustrated" by@RockefellerFdn …lientcities.
7/9/14 10:34 AM
what's the algorithmic ideology of google's newsroom? what politics are supported or undermined when "negative" stories aren't disseminated?
7/9/14 10:34 AM
"Congrats to Paul-Olivier Dehaye" says @gsiemens for making more folks aware of problems w Courseraelearnspace.org/blog/2014/07/
http://scgnews.com/facebooks- psychological-experiments- connected-to-department-of- defense-research-on-civil- unrest
Rep. Keith Ellison (@keithellison)
7/9/14 9:08 AM
READ: @the_intercept story this morning is disturbing:firstlook.org/theintercept/a…
Fred Garnett (@fredgarnett)
7/9/14 10:19 AM
If you like @Downes Beyond Institutions downes.ca/presentation/3… you might like Before & After Institutions slideshare.net/fredgarnett/be… #LSENetEDGE
Tim Dickinson (@7im)
7/9/14 12:12 PM
Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses… Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me*
*Offer excludes Spanish speakers under 18
Jeff Speck (@JeffSpeckAICP)
7/10/14 6:16 AM
Somebody's got to do this on a hill.
@Naparstek RT @MikeLydon The best transit hack, ever:twistedsifter.com/videos/ riding-…
SLC Mayor's Office (@SLCMayorsOffice)
7/9/14 11:28 AM
Why Salt Lake City May Become the New Leader in Public Transportation bit.ly/OY6j5B via@nationswell
David Cay Johnston (@DavidCayJ)
7/10/14 6:06 AM
You could be free of car, credit & student loans but for $6.6 trillion income drop since GWBush tax cuts - my col alj.am/1pYQBZt
John Allen Paulos (@JohnAllenPaulos)
7/10/14 6:19 AM
Pick any 20 integers betw 1 & 50,000. Show there'll always be two disjoint subsets of the 20 numbers the sums of whose members are equal.
Amber J (@a_jones111)
7/10/14 5:01 AM
Key learning - you see value in action....less so in telling #agr14
Deb Mills-Scofield (@bluelobsternets)
7/10/14 6:19 AM
New from @Ashoka Welcoming Immigrants: Why Empathy Is Smart Economics For Citiesow.ly/2JTQrB
maybe we focus more on this..
In recent decades we as a society have been conducting a play-deprivation experiment with our children. Peter Gray, the play deficit
Wikipedia has an interesting model for for community oversight of research: http://t.co/AZPL0l8vI2
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/msalganik/ status/486984338681380864
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/msalganik/
RT @instigating: The remaking of banking http://t.co/3KVetumtuy
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/mbauwens/ status/487065955651317760
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/mbauwens/
sounds like the remaking of ed.. no?
7/9/14 9:08 AM
READ: @the_intercept story this morning is disturbing:firstlook.org/theintercept/a…
where's the change?
7/9/14 10:19 AM
If you like @Downes Beyond Institutions downes.ca/presentation/3… you might like Before & After Institutions slideshare.net/fredgarnett/be… #LSENetEDGE
7/9/14 12:12 PM
Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses… Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me*
*Offer excludes Spanish speakers under 18
Proud to be a part of the @blackstone charitable foundation family. @BEN_Colorado and @jholston are featured here--https://t.co/iht84chwBW
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/pweiser/ status/487074291180380160
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/pweiser/
7/10/14 6:16 AM
Somebody's got to do this on a hill.
@Naparstek RT @MikeLydon The best transit hack, ever:twistedsifter.com/videos/
7/9/14 11:28 AM
Why Salt Lake City May Become the New Leader in Public Transportation bit.ly/OY6j5B via@nationswell
7/10/14 6:06 AM
You could be free of car, credit & student loans but for $6.6 trillion income drop since GWBush tax cuts - my col alj.am/1pYQBZt
7/10/14 6:19 AM
Pick any 20 integers betw 1 & 50,000. Show there'll always be two disjoint subsets of the 20 numbers the sums of whose members are equal.
7/10/14 5:01 AM
Key learning - you see value in action....less so in telling #agr14
7/10/14 6:19 AM
New from @Ashoka Welcoming Immigrants: Why Empathy Is Smart Economics For Citiesow.ly/2JTQrB
7/10/14 6:12 AM ISP source tells me the law is completely "out of the blue" and they had "no formal consultation" with govt ahead of today |
how often.
7/10/14 6:20 AM we must ask TOUGHER questions of @GovernorPerry and GOP when it comes to Central American refugees. #moralcrisis 7/10/14 6:20 AM Massive blow to media freedom in Myanmar - 5 journos sentenced to 10 yrs in prison for reporting about chem weapons: firstpost.com/world/myanmar-…