randoms (?) from this am's tweets
10/19/12 5:05 AM
Free Online Education Is Now Illegal in Minnesotaj.mp/Ubkncr
similar to districts only allowing district staff to credential a kid, vs a uni prof or renowned expert..
10/22/12 6:44 AM
"There are no rules of architecturefor a castle in the clouds."– Gilbert K. Chesterton
10/22/12 6:36 AM
@stevenbjohnson Just finished FP yesterday...the clearest framework I've found to help me understand and plan our work. Thank you.
10/22/12 6:44 AM
Memories of emotional experiences are a source of creativitybit.ly/MUDohb
10/22/12 6:42 AM
What is good accountability? Data for imprvmnt, no judmnt, transparency, internal acctbiltyow.ly/i/12W7W #isteLF12
10/22/12 6:41 AM
That freedom thing? Someone somewhere is working hard to take it away from us all.bit.ly/RQP3KP
via http://chrisguillebeau.com/3x5/what-is-freedom/?awt_l=MgyxV&awt_m=JNHuqwAIHsnt7W
good people everywhere..
looking for the glue...
the balanced narrative... to scale equity across... to all people.
and yesterday am:
10/21/12 8:00 AM
We embrace this sound strategy behind saying the tough "no" via @dailypath:bit.ly/PnwJNv
dig down deep.. honor your soul...