9/14/12 6:11 AM "They're selling transformation and shipping incrementalism." -Clay Shirky on iPhone 5m.theatlantic.com/technology/ |
Let's start with Dediu and how we interact with our machines. "A change in input methods is the main innovation that I expect will happen in the next decade. It's only a question of when," Dediu wrote to me in an email. Looking at his data, he makes a simple, if ominous observation: "I note that when there is a change in input method, there is usually a disruption in the market as the incumbents find it difficult to accept the new input method as 'good enough.' "
So, when touchscreens arrived on the scene, other phonemakers didn't quite believe that it was Apple's way or the highway. After all, hadn't touchscreens been tried before and failed? And besides, typing emails was so hard on those things! And people loved their Crackberries! And. And. And then all their customers were gone.
Do we have any reason to expect that the touchscreen will remain the way we interact with our mobile devices for the next decade? Not really. They have proven to be effective, but there are clear limitations to interacting with our devices via a glass panel.
One critic of the touchscreen is Michael Buckwald, CEO of the (kind-of-mindblowing) gesture interface company, LEAP Motion. "The capacitive display was a great innovation, but it's extremely limiting," Buckwald told me. "Even though there are hundreds of thousands of apps, you can kind of break them down into about a dozen categories. It seems like the screen is holding back so many possibilities and innovation because we have these powerful processors and the thing that's limiting us is the 2D flat display and that touch is limited."
clays quote in the tweet is spot on for Ed..
let's disrupt/experiment with the seemingly ridiculous in a city...
so while edreform is flailing on with their incremental changes to a place most don't even want to go... nailing a school math test... we end up with a model based on real life input.. within an eclectic gathering of people.. a city.... closer to ai, and yet, closer to the human spirit.
scale the individual.. rather than the platform or the innovation..
John Hagel III 9. Individual as catalyst for change from Sogeti VINT on Vimeo.John Hagel III 12. Learn fast on the edges of an ecosystem from Sogeti VINT on Vimeo.
learn fast on the edges of an ecosystem
happy bday john.. and grazie..