Saturday, March 20, 2010

schools that are doing it

the main component of every student's education is the Learn Through Internships program, in which students complete authentic projects with the guidance of expert mentors 

Projects are designed to tackle complex problems requiring critical thinking. The school's strategy is simple:
  • To learn collaboration, work in teams.
  • To learn critical thinking, take on complex problems.
  • To learn oral communication, present.
  • To learn written communication, write.
  • To learn technology, use technology.
  • To develop citizenship, take on civic and global issues.
  • To learn about careers, do internships.
  • To learn content, research and do all of the above.
Examples of projects include presenting a plan to Congress on solving the oil crisis, addressing economic issues as a team of the president's economic advisers, or inventing, under contract from NASA, new sports that astronauts can play on the Moon for exercise.

This is what we're talking about. It's that simple..
