Wednesday, December 19, 2012
kalimah priforce
poverty is isolation.
keep the child in view - charles dickens
guidance counselors 450 to 1, in calif 1000 to 1
what happens when kids feel alone.
in sports - we show kids how to get from point a to point b
if they want to be a dr - we say go to college... but that takes forever and they disconnect
career discovery app
Education innovation isn't about iPad apps or virtual reality. It's about making every room into a classroom - even when there isn't a room. It's about de-isolating our youth by sharing our stories with them. It's about closing the divides, not widening them. Build a bridge, and they will cross it. In the words of Charles Dickens, "Keep the child in view", in the words of the Notorious B.I.G., "If you don't know, now you know". — with Kalimah Priforce, Kal Priforce, Kal L. Priforce, Dr. Lorraine Monroe, Kurt Collins,Blackgirlscode Founder, Jason Young and Kilimanjaro T Robbs at SoleSpace.