David Bill (@dcinc66)
8/1/12 3:12 PM
One of my favorite pop-ups thus far at @yourSqFt, the pop up library and chess tables. "check mate check outinstagr.am/p/NzNCSpjubw/
The Puzzle School (@puzzleschool)
7/31/12 12:29 PM
This is truly fantastic. Every school should have a program like this: ted.com/talks/stephen_… via@willrich45
Sam Chaltain (@samchaltain)
8/1/12 3:23 PM
RT @safaja97: RT @chrislehmann: How many of us are afraid school will get in way of our own children’s passions & love of learning? #140edu
johnmaeda (@johnmaeda)
7/26/12 8:12 AM
"If a vivid vision has made its way to you, you are fully equipped to make it real." —Ben Ichinose
let's do this.
we can do this.
set people free. people are good.