Tuesday, August 28, 2012
bud hunt - pd
via connectedlearning.tv hangout
budtheteacher: you can see plenty of examples of teacher research from our DLC here - http://bit.ly/svvsddlc
my question
monk51295: wondering if we're freeing up the ownership of pd - by also calling into question the curriculum, the core standards, et al, i never saw that question posed or considered in inquiry by stance
monk51295: which i found odd - http://www.amazon.com/Inquiry-Stance-Practitioner-Generation-Practitioners/dp/0807749702
budtheteacher: @tellio - Yes - we have significant conversations when we begin teacher research work about data and "what counts"
budtheteacher: @tellio - here's a piece I wrote about that - http://budtheteacher.com/blog/2011/09/09/what-counts/
theKSTF: @tellio Not as familiar with qualitative methods an raise questions about generalizability, etc. But as they try out some qual methods and discuss, they shift their views.
tellio: @budtheteacher I really think we need to embrace the idea of a sample of one as valid like the quantifiable self folk do
tellio: Collaboration as a real value in school would absolutely transform schools
tellio: @theKTSF sometimes I think that the so-called generalizeability of quantitative research is a chimera.
theKSTF: Really like this pice by Susan Lytle "better" that addresses collaboration and teacher inquiry http://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource/2933