Saturday, November 6, 2010

dan meyer

live on classroom 2.0

love how personal and honest - how transparent Dan always is...

curriculum has inverted the balance...
let's not mess up this small slice - let's go major quality
1) pseudo context - we use full force of our authority to a context of math that doesn't want it..
ie: dog and special rt triangles
alienates teacher from students and students from math
2) pseudo problem solving - exact amount of info - turns into plugging in
3) pseudo representation ie: book - problem on one page - as opposed to the 4 layers (causes kids to not think and/or intimidate away from steps/numbers - less fun and less cognitively demanding

in real life - hook is in front..
90% of Dan's curric development: what is the hook and what is the best image to develop that hook

as teachers - where we earn our pay - ask nudging questions that get them back on track (?)

which is mostly busy work?

last one - highest level of busy work
first one - makes dan on the students team... he wants to know too
contributes to culture of curiosity

cool jets Dan - he then showed the multiple ways he could share this problem with others

if the image doesn't get the kids to guess the right question.. not a good enough image
why ask for upper bound and lower bound...
asking if answer seems reasonable at the end doesn't really help - usually say yes
asking at the beginning helps tons more (that's just the structure of pseudo problems)

video clip.. baseball player asking others for help so he can play ball... a work problem
taking the numbers of the problem and banging them together - hoping something will fly out..
we train them to do this - finding some formula

objects of perplexity
objects that naturally inspire perplexing questions

what i'm interested in as a curriculum designer - tools that
capture perplexity
share perplexity
resolve perplexity
capture and share:
got info from google reader -
jott or google voice- only service Dan pays for
mobile phone - great for taking pics
zamzar - getting movies off youtube
handbreak - takes clips from movies
used to use flips - but now phone takes fine shots
document camera - let's me turn students work into an object of perplexity
- gets across creative aspect of math
content standards

q&a - is the problem the textbook or that there is a textbook
d - i use textbooks for problems  - if they would work on better images and through out supp materials - would like it
q&a - why should anybody care -
d - rather than ask if they care.. ask does anybody know..
q&a - what if we have no time to do these
d - yeah it took 5 times as long to solve problem - but ahead in time and proficiency - because i ended up lecturing far less - so more time to work and solve
q&a - these are far from kind of problems on standardized tests. uses sbg
q&a - thoughts on development on open source textbooks...
d - worry - that it becomes a digital version of what we have ie: flexbooks giving away free problems that are already bad, better - movement on blogs and twitter - much better - but currently poorly organized
q&a - what if hook doesn't hook
d - then go ahead and ask hook
q&a - scope and sequence of these problems
d - ticket roll - generate concepts from older ones
