Saturday, March 20, 2010

yes.. this is it

 - here's the link
thanks to Bonnie H who i met on
my fav part of the video..

via Seymour Pappert..
1st - need to give up the idea of a curriculum... meaning - you learn this on a given day. and exchange that with - you learn this when you need it.

this was never possible before... it's the mutli-faceted abilities and opportunities of web access that is allowing this personalization in public ed.
we have infinitely greater ways of individualizing.. so kids can really learn knowledge by using it.
standardization is a guarantee of low standards.
the standard i would like to see is thinking differently   (via Pappert)
the individual having the right to
if you want to excel and push yourself - there is no school that can give you what you can give yourself.

the standard is individualization....


so...the innovation lab - is this - only each student picks their own project
and lap tops, etc, well - tools are individual as well... no bulk buying.
and this can be done in public school... doesn't have to be a charter or magnet, etc...


so let's do it.
