Sunday, February 21, 2010

authentic pd

If I wanted the world to hear one thing about professional development, it would be the words I heard yesterday at #colearning #gotpd 2010 from this guy....


What I heard Ben say, is that the biggest 

for him came after he found himself a


and an

I think that's where pd begins, sustains, and never ends.
I think we back off everything... especially tech tools.
All we hold teachers accountable for is connecting to a *group like this.
[This is what I believe an authentic *personal/professional learning network is: 1) people you pick per passion 2) people you develop an optimizing prof/personal relationship with  3) people who hold you accountable ie: you have/share thoughts/findings that intrigue the bejeebers out of you; together you wrestle with that thinking; you nudge others with similar curiosities]

More from Ben... reading a post he wrote just today...

Given time and support to develop and maintain those groups, I think all we are hoping teachers get....all they are hoping for, ...will simply flow.


it's the first suggestion in this model...

Teacher-centric pd...what do you think?
