Saturday, January 23, 2010

the i can button

Thank you @shellterrell..
it's 5:08 am and i've already had the most incredible lesson of the day..

it started with this...

so i retweeted.... 

and tweeted.....

she responded... 

and the beat goes on...

what was this beat about?...

Take a listen to Kiran Bir Sethi, as she talks at Ted in November 2009... about teaching kids to take charge.

my notes (straight from Kiran, bty - you can see her script to the right of her Ted talk):

The i can button.
If learning is embedded in real world.. that is... we blur the boundaries between school and life... then children go through a journey of.....

 where they can see the change

 where they can be changed

where they can lead the change
This directly increased students' well being, students became more competent and less helpless.
Before showing a clip from her school, Riverside, in India, she adds:
But this is all common sense, I'd like to show you what common practice looks like....
Her challenge to her kids... Take one idea - anything that bothers you - then take one week and change lives.  (they tackled: adult illiteracy, loneliness, potholes, alcoholism, recycling...)
Her profound comment,... It doesn't surprise me that they had to much inside them.

If not us, then who
If not now, then when

The flow... we are currently gathering "story" for a movement (#4) to educate our public about school. This video is just more feed for the contagiosity soon to follow..

ok so then comes another tweet... so I have to add this.. 
it's all about one-on-one - take a listen to Mark Andrews talk about ... their idiosyncratic ways..
