Sunday, July 26, 2015


Oregon just became the 2nd state to offer free community college

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posted on fb by rohit

James Anderson (@jsa)
7/17/15 7:00 AM
After almost 20 months of solid work on @SpaceLounges, feels exciting to launch our first lounge soon. We kept going despite any naysayers!

Maria Popova (@brainpicker)
7/17/15 7:02 AM
The paradox of identical twins and what it reveals about the psychology of identity and celebrity in our

The world compared us constantly. It was easy; we had a measuring stick right next to us. Who was prettier, stronger, smarter, nicer, funnier? Naturally, I wanted to be — but not at the expense of my twin. Could I just be pretty, strong, smart, nice, funny? No. Unbidden, the first thing people did was enumerate our differences. We were seen in reference to each other, and never on our own term

Meet the psychologist who blew the whistle on @APA collusion with U.S. torture program:

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on rendering mindset moot

"authenticity" was never a design or engineering problem. "we've designed authenticity" is (oxy)moronic

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all this talk of Beme and "authenticity" makes me want to gag…

A wedding in a bombed church in Homs. Life goes on, somehow.

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100 Women who are co-creating the P2P Society: Stephanie Rearick of the Mutual Aid Network | P2P Foundation

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Vinay Gupta (@leashless)
7/19/15 2:16 AM
I am troubled by the global scope of my ambitions this morning. Having seen the Singapore model, uplift nationally, is global even relevant?

Rapacious rat-markets, not post - capitalism

Tony Wagner (@DrTonyWagner)
7/19/15 6:21 AM
Learning to Engineer a Better Brisket. Many more college courses should look like this one!…

we can do better

What reviews of Coates and Manuel tell us about racism, history, and good and bad teaching

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Why is this #Dutch city giving residents free money? #Netherlands #basicincome

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china super city

Extractive vs. Generative Ownership | P2P Foundation

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i was terminally shy as a kid. now, i'd say shyness is often just people who need more space because they take in vastly more of life.

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I don't like 'stimulus'. I think some people need more space because they experience more being in every bit of life

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In essence, Christensen’s point was that businesses that fail are often not the feckless bumblers they’re made out to be.  Rather that by diligently following the precepts of an incomplete model, they fall prey to assumptions that do not apply.  In other words, he was helping managers recognize shifts in the marketplace and to make better judgments about how to respond.

so.. the incompleteness.. is assuming marketplace... ness..
Today, as Moisés Naím points out in The End of Power, we see a great many disruptions today in politics, religion, and military affairs. At first glance these may seem to have little to do with disruptive business models, but if we look closer we find that many of the same forces are at work: small groups, loosely connected and united by a shared purpose can challenge even the most powerful among us.
In the past, bureaucratic institutions played a crucial coordinating role.  It was through their vast control of assets that we were able to mobilize resources on a massive scale.  Large institutions dominated because they could do what others could not. Yet now it is not control of resources that is important, but access to them.
Digital technology enables relatively small actors to synchronize their actions through networks.  That, in a nutshell, is how disruption happens.  It is also why we see disruption happening with increasing frequency, all around us.  Power, as Naím puts it, has becomeeasier to get, but harder to use or keep.

TED Talks (@TEDTalks)
7/19/15 6:31 AM
This is why siblings fight so much:

EJI (@eji_org)
7/20/15 6:22 AM
Racial bias continues to affect the lives of millions and is a lasting legacy of American slavery.

Latest little piece for @inclusivecap Summarizes longer piece with @Richard_Florida

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@studiomalka 's 's Project A-KAMP47 in The Guardian ✌👊 --->

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“Fishermen increasingly turning from fishing to human trafficking.” –

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“I earned 30,000 baht ($900) [through fishing], but it they [transport people] they earn 100,000 baht ($2,960),” the boat owner said.

All the people who are profiting off of student debt are debating if there is a crisis. Let them know #NASFAA2015

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They just voted among themselves, yep no crisis here @StrikeDebt

What does it look like when we put Ta-Nehisi Coates in conversation with Ayn Rand? How does that shape the way we make sense of each text?

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Well said. When happiness turns from a state to an ideology. "The Dangers of Happiness" via @nytopinionator

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how thought unfolds & what may be lost in forcing thought to linear flow of print text - @Nsousanis in #clmooc

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shared on fb by john

Is disruption too narrow a lens to view the future? Does it breed complacency? @frankdiana challenges a common frame

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"From the rubble we will rise again"- life in Aleppo, written by Marwan Hisham, art by me

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.@mrdannyglover & @medeabenjamin on Assata, Guantánamo and Trade as Cuban Flag Rises in D.C.

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She "spent an hour getting a mouse out of a trap...this mouse just sat completely still bc he knew she was helping."

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Millennials will live in cities unlike what we have seen -

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The kinds of places that millennials want to live share a lot of the same characteristics with urban centers—they’re looking for amenities like walkability and public transit. But according to the study, it’s more about relationships and having the time to enjoy those relationships, which doesn’t necessarily mean working long hours to pay the rent in a big city.
She realized that moving to a smaller city was allowing her to help shape a community.

Strike Debt protestors crash financial aid officers party... #nasfaa2015

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Danko Nikolic on #Singularity 1on1: #Practopoiesis Says #MachineLearning Isn’t Enough is now @Vimeo #AI @dankonikolic

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Teen In Remission From HIV Without Drugs

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We need a new version of capitalism for the jobless future: < Interesting that Marc Andreessen is a naysayer on this

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radical econ.. via d graeber

City of Learning's future looks bright! #Badges4Jobs @sproutfund

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What Types of Companies Do Angel Investors Fund? @angel4impact @Mergelane #impinv

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so opposite graeber law ness

Now Eurozone demands #Greece reforms court process for more 'bailout'. Guys, just dissolve the government and be honest. #ThisIsACoup #oxi

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obama visit prison video

#DebtCollective rains on #FinAid parade in New Orleans: "Loans are not Aid!" declare #studentdebt strikers

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#SandraBland was murdered by the Waller County PD. & the only reason it wasn't swept under the rug is Twitter. 

Keep on, y'all. 🏾.

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whimsy coordinator
We're looking for someone to join the Love Does team. If you want to know about the job, check it out here.

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So we've got bunches of folks living in boxes of poverty or near poverty and they're constantly patrolled by a force w/ a license to kill...

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Disable a car from afar. This is why we can't have a nice Internet of Things. (The torts exam writes itself.)

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This startup wants to make physical offices irrelevant:

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I counted twelve times #SandraBland asked the officer what she was being arrested for. He gave no answers whatsoever. The arrest was illegal

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He wasn’t really telling Sandra to get out the car. He was talking to Travis who wouldn’t stop taking his lunch money in 8th grade.

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Startup Estonia and the role of government in an entrepreneurial ecosystem

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"Personally owned cars sit idle 95% of the time" - @rmchase, in Peers, Inc. #ExcessCapacity #CarShare @YesAustinStreet @14thVillage

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We need to stop agonizing about an apocryphal vision of a “jobless future” - wisdom from @stevedenning

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graeber min\max law

Also about the root causes of how we tend to deal w/ the symptoms. #systemic

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Indeed, in 2011 researchers showed that for the particular model analyzed in the original 2009 study, explosive transitions only happen if the network is finite. While networks such as the Internet have at most about a billion nodes, phase transitions are most commonly associated with materials, which are intricate lattices of so many molecules (approximately 1023 or more) that the systems are effectively infinite. Once extended to a truly infinite system, explosive percolations appear to lose some of their boom.
in the explosive models, the network grows, but the growth of the large cluster is suppressed. This allows many large but disconnected clusters to grow, until the system hits the critical threshold where adding just one or two extra links triggers an instantaneous switch to über-connectivity. All the large clusters combine at once in a single violent merger.

just describing point of inflection.. no?.. all depends on how far we zoom out and how little we impose bias et al

D’Souza explained. “If you prevent cascades at all costs, you might make a lot of profit, but eventually a cascade is going to happen, and it will be so massive it [could] wipe out your entire profit.”

imagine where we'd be if the world didn't revolve around profit ness

Phase transitions have fascinated physicists and mathematicians alike for decades, so why has this explosive behavior been found only now? D’Souza thinks it’s because the breakthrough required the merging of ideas from several fields, most notably Achlioptas’ idea to blend algorithms and statistical physics, thereby creating an exciting new modeling phenomenon. “It really is a new paradigm of percolation,” Ziff said.

or a let loose paradigm... aka: natural.. no?

P2P Foundation Book of the Day: The Book of Community by cc @lasindias

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I'm interviewed on Your Business, airing on 8/2 at 7:30am MSNBC

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Jason Silva -The Solutions Project  50 states full renewable energy transition plan l optimism on steroids <g>

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27 min - nate - report from 2011 - crime rate has actually gotten better since 90.. but nothing you would applaud

White House says Guantanamo Bay closing plan is in final stages.

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Las Indias: The tortuous path towards abundance

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Zappos CEO Lives in an Airstream

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IBM using Watson to build a "Siri for cities":

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From today's congressional briefing

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One in three black male babies is expected to go to jail- why isn't this a national crisis? #BryanSteveson + @nytdavidbrooks at @nationswell

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We need compassionate design, to reclaim our collective attention. @tristanharris

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Via @NPR: What The College Kids Are Reading

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Now Yvonna Lincoln speaking at #pepe2015 - follow live stream at

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Smart words from @natematias on the future of Reddit, and online community more broadly:

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Reddit’s effort to curb its dark side without betraying its ideals becomes an emblematic drama of the Internet today. 
Ultimately, the lesson of Reddit may not be how to fix the Internet’s problems but to show the limits of what technology and design can do.
“These problems go deeper–they’re rooted in the wider problems of racism, sexism and hate that we have in our society,” Matias says. “And the idea that we could make systems by design that prevents us from being the society we are when we interact online seems hopelessly utopian.”
don't actually show the limits of tech... show the limits of tech within the systemic problems we have..

beating the odds summit video


everybody here is going to college

strike debt  ness
make education cool again

4 min - spot on - college allows you more time to figure out what you want to do..
why not change up earlier than that.. and why does that figuring out time have to put us in debt... so that then we can't do what we figured out..
and the figuring out is still a package deal..
500 books et al not read

6 min - arne - have you seen schooling the world?
topped at 8 min

29 min - michelle - on working hard - hw, study for sat, ..?

34 min - arne - nothing more important than finding/following your passion - you don't get that time back

so why cc et al?

A kid’s take on #Manifesto15 #minecraft

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Hundreds of documents obtained through FOIA reveal extensive monitoring of #BlackLivesMatter movement on social media

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.@carlmalamud is a national treasure. Georgia suing him for making state law accessible to citizens is disgraceful.

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It takes a special kind of ridiculousness to argue that someone seeking to make the laws of the land more accessible to the public is somehow looking to “control the accessibility” of those laws.

Excellent piece on how racial terror is perpetuated

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communities that were once bound and gagged on this issue are now free to contest a version of history that was created to reinforce racial subjugation.

The @NeighborNest is doing some amazing work. Thanks for showing me around! 🏼️

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Sandra Bland’s Sister Responds to Suicide Allegations, Lawyer Says D.A. is Withholding Details

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Events in Turkey, which has no post-election govt: It's bombing PKK camps in N.Iraq and admin ban on Kurdish/left news-oriented websites.

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posted by daniel on fb
It has been a great long journey, meeting tons of people along the way, and talking to them about how we need to, as I call it, Kiss the Lions! What I mean by that is Lions are usually seen as scary, intimidating, ferocious beast that we don't want to go near or even get close to. Lions are a simbol of the "scary people" of this world. The drug addicts/dealers, the pimps, prostitutes and johns, the murders, the different religions, etc! Now kissing is a sign of affection, a sign of love, we need to go out and love these lions! We need to be Kissing Lions!

all of us ness.
i need you to wake up ness

What a story herein: Varoufakis pushing Eurogroup to admit it "doesn't legally exist"--just like the CCP in China...

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#pepe2015 Charlene Bearhead just shared a powerful piece from this documentary. #fnmi

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was just reminded of @brainpicker's 2011 post on Combinatorial Creativity and Networked Knowledge:

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posted on fb by george l
Even more thrilling than this beautiful piece are the comments - all 548 as of this moment. My mother always says to have the party while she is still alive. If Mr. Sacks had the party right now, the comments on this article are what you would overhear people saying.

posted on fb by peter
Real life is an informal sport, not a formal one. The rules are endlessly modifiable and you must do your share to create them. There are in the end no winners or losers--we all wind up in the same place. Getting along with others is far more important than beating them. What matters in the end is how you play the game, how much fun you have along the way, and how much joy you give to others. Live life like a sandlot ball game. And, please, let your child go out to play--with other kids, while you stay home or do something else that you would like to do. In play, no matter how loving your relationship, your child is better off without you. Click below for more on what children learn in sandlot games.

On this day in 1963, a secret trial released bacterial spores into the London Underground:

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