Thursday, November 20, 2014


mistaking regime change for systemic change

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Sorry to see this. Occupied Admiralty was one of the most extraordinary things I've ever witnessed.

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Wow&my first live Wolfram Language-generated, image-processed tweet mid @TEDxHoP #TEDx talk

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posted on fb by carol
Peter Gray on Malala: "My only objection concerning this award—and it is a big one—lies in the Nobel Committee’s statement, “Children must go to school…." Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world that declared that every child has the right to educational choice?...Millions of children throughout the world are suffering in schools. Some—an increasing number actually—are committing suicide because of what is being done to them in school. But they have no choice. School is compulsory."

Learn about @audreywatters' #DML2015 track, "Open Learning / #EdTech," in this Q&A w/ @hrheingold

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Here is a link to my talk on Malala and McEducation for All from the Voices of Hope Conference that took place in New York last week. 

OK, bye guys heading to North Carolina to hang out with my new favorite person on the entire earth.

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If you think $industry should be disrupted and your vision won't improve things for people working in that industry, question your ethics.

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Seattle Is Doing What No Other City in America Has Done - Mic

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.@myamcat could make assessing job skills cheaper, more democratized & accessible in move to US

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there's got to be a better way to help people find each other. 

Needed: A labor movement that manages to finally ditch all traces of the ideology that says that work is a value in itself @davidgraeber

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Link to 21st century literacies - LIVE at #ccourses

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#ccourses How to do the impossible - enable students to take over

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posted on fb by david w
At Community Supported Everything, we’re trying to merge the accountability system of formal education with the freedom of self-directed education." 


Generational Warfare Is a Media Myth: Seniors and Kids Need Each Other
With 10,000 boomers a day turning 65, it's time for society to mirror biology and itself "flow downhill," to encourage and enable connections that mine this vast human capital of older people in ways that contribute to a better futures for future generations. To be sure, an aging America will bring challenges and tradeoffs as well as opportunities, but this is all the more reason to make the most of what we have.
The Intergenerational School and other models are pointing the way. Let's follow.
Michael D. Eisner is the Chairman of The Eisner Foundation

how we see is by continually defining normality

only through uncertainty is there potential for understanding

For a human context of tonight’s announcement, watch @camposofia’s powerful #fusionriseup video here

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