Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Vinay Gupta (@leashless)
7/20/14 4:43 AM
You don't need much of a resource base: £1m would do it, if it was in a place with cheap land and no building codes. nature.com/nature/journal…

So to find time for our kind of science, we had to dump a few shibboleths. For instance, we never bother to 'publish': we just post our findings on weblogs, and if they get a lot of links, hey, we're the Most Frequently Cited. Tenure? Who needs that? Never heard of it! Doctorates, degrees, defending a thesis — don't know, don't need 'em, can't even be bothered!
There's no money and no banking here. Instead, every object is tracked by RFID tags and subjected to a bioenergetic, cost–benefit, eBay-style arbitrage by repurposed stock-market buy–sell software agents. In practice, this means that when you need something new, you just pile up the things you don't want by your doorway until somebody shows up and gives you the thing you do want. Economists who visit here just flee screaming — but come on, was economics ever really a 'science'? We're with Rutherford: it's physics or it's stamp collecting!

Common Futures (@CommonFutrs)
7/20/14 4:43 AM
@leashless agreed - we need distributed anti asset-locked vehicles (networks) evolved explicitly for depoliticised #wealthshare

Bert-ola Bergstrand (@ContChange)
7/20/14 6:36 AM
Why the internet of things could destroy the welfare stategu.com/p/4v2bg/tw

To see algorithmic regulation at work, look no further than the spam filter in your email. Instead of confining itself to a narrow definition of spam, the email filter has its users teach it. Even Google can't write rules to cover all the ingenious innovations of professional spammers. What it can do, though, is teach the system what makes a good rule and spot when it's time to find another rule for finding a good rule – and so on. An algorithm can do this, but it's the constant real-time feedback from its users that allows the system to counter threats never envisioned by its designers. And it's not just spam: your bank uses similar methods to spot credit-card fraud.

Bert-ola Bergstrand (@ContChange)
7/20/14 6:36 AM
Why the internet of things could destroy the welfare stategu.com/p/4v2bg/tw
driverless cars regardless... much like Ed 

#BLC14 Building Learning Communities: Sharing My Notes: Alan November‘s Building Learning Communities in Bosto... http://t.co/hsnqwpLnft

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/ozge/status/490862538259566592

Facebook Experiment Manipulates Emotions Of 600,000 Users - ANIMAL http://t.co/6mPWbBGLHZ

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/mbauwens/status/490863332354977792

A Classroom Leaves the Syllabus to the Students http://t.co/KUUUk7NYFr @nytimes via @ryanbretag #edchat #edreform

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/jackiegerstein/status/490871309577240577

Thought of the day: “There is no final, satisfying way to balance our need to be known with our need to be alone.”http://t.co/FpPQQ53MWt

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/491047924991012864

Sent via TweetDeck

perhaps - prior to now..

"From 2007 to 2012, the federal government made $66 billion in profits off student loans. This is fundamentally wrong." - #Warren at #NCLR14

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/urbandata/status/491004373817114625

Duany Plater-Zyberk@DPZandCo
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Free Download: 'A General Theory of#Urbanism' Draft. Feedback encouraged.bit.ly/1lqi4zm #urbandesign #planning#cities

Strong Towns@StrongTowns
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If we want to make roads/streets safer, we need an understanding of human psychology, not more efficient engineering.buff.ly/1nxFT8Z

Julie Smolyansky (@JulieSmolyansky)
7/18/14 7:05 AM
More reasons to ditch your germ phobia.m.medicaldaily.com/growing-farm-a…

Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan)
7/21/14 6:50 AM
Our doctor @terrysimpson says quitting is good for your health. But what? -ow.ly/zmslF

Christopher Mims (@mims)
7/21/14 6:47 AM
What does it feel like when our phones anticipate our desires? This week I tried a heap of apps to find out.on.wsj.com/1lk4M3n

Steffen Konrath (@StKonrath)
7/21/14 6:48 AM
76 days (8 hrs/day) = time needed to read all privacy policies you've agreed to (goo.gl/iz6B6g) context:huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/21/fac…

David Armano (@armano)
7/21/14 6:51 AM
(Great points here. Accurate) “@geoffliving: 7 Signs of the Post Social Media Era buff.ly/1qWGBvT Has innovation moved on?”

Dark social is the movement towards conversations that are not public anymore. Private social network communities and newer networks like WhatsApp and SnapChat thrive on people saying what they think without the repercussions of public data, ad retargeting, attention from customer service nazis, and helicopter actions from bosses and parents.
When discussing the above thought leadership trend with Rich Becker last week, he said one of the primary drivers is the commoditization of social media content. I had to agree with him. To be clear we’re not talking all content, rather content about social media and how to use it.

John Nichols (@NicholsUprising)
7/21/14 6:38 AM
From @haaretzcom: Seven Nobel peace laureates urge "a comprehensive and legally binding military embargo on Israel." haaretz.com/mobile/.premiu…

Bill Ferriter (@plugusin)
7/21/14 6:51 AM
"School stinks. It's often do what we ask you to do over and over and over again."@chrislehmann #GCCC14

Kristen Chick (@kristenchick)
7/21/14 6:06 AM
Interviewed members of the Abu Jamaa family in Khan Younis today. At least 24 members of the same family killed in one strike. #gaza

SciencePorn (@SciencePorn)
7/21/14 6:48 AM
An average person sheds their skin at the rate of around 500 million cells per day.

to stay alive.... no..?

so. yeah. that.

in the city.
as the day.

Jeff Speck (@JeffSpeckAICP)
7/21/14 6:55 AM
I had forgotten about this. .. thanks @ResArchitectmag for this video interview about the Speck house.architectmagazine.com/videos/detail/…

John Grinnell (@leedership)
7/20/14 4:07 PM
@tom_peters @InstantBI @rbarraud Makes sense yes, but then why is it STEM and not STEM+Civics? Foundation is missing!!

see how the great intentioned adding (of basics) happens.

maybe we let go..
let the individual decide..

Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
7/21/14 7:25 AM
Amazing: Since when is "kidnapped" the word used to describe soldiers of an invading army who are captured? twitter.com/Ramisms/status…

Nilofer Merchant (@nilofer)
7/21/14 7:26 AM
"The answer isn’t to just cut jobs en masse, [Larry] Page said. People want to feel “needed, wanted and..."tmblr.co/Z6BGYq1M5Dm7C

"That’s how much power the social media has put in the hands of people, and taken away from governments."http://t.co/8KLjnbpeDL

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/paulg/status/491223527429640193


Indigenous people ARE ALREADY EDUCATED: "Cultures have evolved in a particular environmental context, so they have an extraordinary amount of traditional ecological knowledge — knowledge of the local species, plants, animals, the medicinal uses of them, the migration patterns of animals behavior:"
posted on fb by carol

It doesn't get more dehumanizing than this: "Others". http://t.co/HLgpBnGPaV

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/mosaaberizing/status/491346403323830272

The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep/Moans around with many voices. Come, my friends,/'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/zaidhassan/status/491347644623912960

Seven years a journalist and this is the week I have seen the most colleagues and friends just plain break down. Too much, world, too much.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/dickinsonbeth/status/491367519626604544

This WSJ editorial is sickening.
Gazans have forfeited the "right to be called civilians" for voting the wrong way.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/_RichardHall/status/491368452318584834

I want to build a global research center on culture design for human civilization... wanna help make it happen? ;-)


Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/cognitivepolicy/status/459374466842099712


(The famed Russian composer Tchaikovsky, who some scholars have speculated had symptoms of schizophrenia, articulated those “flashes of insight” spectacularly in his 1876 letter on the “immeasurable bliss” of creativity.)

Sara Ittelson (@SaraIttelson)
7/21/14 6:25 PM
Measuring outcomes in edu could/should mean measuring collective success at addressing world hunger, global warming... @mbrownz #knewton2014

odysseanproject (@odysseanproject)
7/22/14 5:00 AM
Large Genome-wide Association Study finds 108 loci on genome cnctd to schizophrenia:nature.com/news/gene-hunt…

Harvard University (@Harvard)
7/22/14 6:15 AM
The @broadinstitute receives unprecedented $650 million gift to support research on psychiatric disordershvrd.me/zrtne

Mozfest East Africa (@mozfestea)
7/21/14 7:41 AM
Listening to the change we made for these kids & the participants in this video youtube.com/watch?v=jCMKms… is so fulfilling @msurman @mozilla

Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha)
7/22/14 6:17 AM
MT “@tanyalau: 5 posts worth reading- appreciating context in education> edcontexts.org/uncategorized/…via @EdConteXts #rhizo14 w/ @Bali_Maha

Mike Briercliffe (@mikejulietbravo)
7/22/14 6:17 AM
We All Know Argleton Is Fake... So Why Would Google Leave It On Maps All This Time? ift.tt/1tuC7Ot#mjbRSSselect

Will Richardson (@willrich45)
7/22/14 6:18 AM
Minecraft as “A generative, networked system laced throughout with secrets.” buff.ly/1r1GT4v #edchat#gamechat Great read.