Saturday, July 19, 2014



7/18/14 6:10 AM
Change your most disruptive student’s behavior with the Two-by-Ten

title.. so crazy

Frank Sonnenberg (@FSonnenberg)
7/18/14 6:40 AM
A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny! - Thomas Jefferson via @RichSimmondsZA

Robert Kelchen (@rkelchen)
7/18/14 6:46 AM
.@npr_ed Some great up-and-coming higher ed doctoral students are @minhtuyen@EriqFelix,@marielpagan@ninascia, and @joannafrye#ff

Peter Monnerjahn (@PeterMonnerjahn)
7/17/14 1:53 PM
“There is a weird competition going on between countries about success at #PISA.”—@rogerschank#Education #School…

Teny Oded Gross (@tenygross)
7/18/14 6:50 AM
Check out this article from The Providence Journal: R.I. to require warrant to hold…

DML Research Hub (@dmlresearchhub)
7/17/14 9:55 AM
.@jadedid talks about trust and #internetprivacy in her first DMLcentral blog

Chris Lehmann (@chrislehmann)
7/18/14 6:53 AM
.@courosa says social media has increased our intimacy and compassion - used the map of who consoled him when his dad passed. #blc14

Julie Vincentsen (@jvincentsen)
7/18/14 6:52 AM
@courosa #BLC14 "The global outreach of the compassion of people...can not be taken for granted in the world we are living in"

Harriet Wakelam (@hwakelam)
7/18/14 6:53 AM
A wonderful ? @DoctorYasmin: How do we measure how much a person has done for humanity? I would love this q on my KPIs cc @Capco_FinServ
by not measuring...  ?
getting out of presumptive way.. so fittingness speaks...plays... dances

call that enough

Chris Odom (@chris_m_odom)
7/18/14 6:54 AM
We use IRL (in real life), Kids use AFK (away from keyboard). What does that say about the way we view the world? #BLC14

.@Richard_Florida's New @nyuniversity Course Aims to Put a Blue Collar on the Creative Class

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He's right: We aren’t really buried in information. We’re just really bad at sorting/filtering our way through it.

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@royanlee : With standardized tests breathing down my throat and 2 class computers, it's tough to make the space for curation.

Hostels Embrace Airbnb in Effort to Escape Rising Booking Fees #technology

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George Siemens (@gsiemens)
7/18/14 7:04 AM
youth and political instability:…

James Eaton Tyler (@jameseatontyler)
7/18/14 11:50 AM
"” @jackandraka IS CHANGING THE WORLD! U can too"No matter what your age..""

fitting with top of page... no? instability.. disruptive youth.. set them (all of us) free

Zeynep Tufekci (@zeynep)
7/19/14 6:20 AM
Email. To do lists. Productivity tools. RT @Medium “Learning from the things we make over and over” —@ftrain…

Maria Popova (@brainpicker)
7/19/14 6:21 AM
Sartre on why “being-in-the-world-ness” is the key to the imagination

Saul Kaplan (@skap5)
7/19/14 6:23 AM
$10 a month for all you can read. The book industry transformation isn't close to stabilizing. Let new business models fly!

all you can read.. from the 600000 they pick..
not much transformative...

Ana Maria Menezes (@anamariacult)
7/19/14 6:24 AM
I love Educreations, but I miss the possibility of exporting my recorded videos to youtube or even to download it to my computer or ipad. Ar

yeah. just like that...
spinach or rock ness..

Matt Wilkinson (@vmattx10)
7/19/14 5:36 AM
Good piece on alternatives to the outdated…

Julie (@MsIntervention)
7/19/14 4:11 AM
On Thursday #ISIS stoned a woman in a public square for adultery in Raqqa, #Syria. Makes the Middle Ages look humane.

ReachScale (@ReachScale)
7/19/14 6:30 AM
#Africa stands at brink of employment explosion—Employers desperate for talent to capitalise on boom.@TheEconomist

Lolly Daskal (@LollyDaskal)
7/19/14 6:31 AM
RT @ValaAfshar: You do not need permission to:

1 be happy
2 appreciate
3 be humble
4 respect
5 be kind
6 aspire
7 work hard
8 learn

Ozge Karaoglu (@ozge)
7/19/14 6:34 AM
Why The Future Of Education Involves Badges via@Edudemic
 Badge-based channels must solve issues of identity, verification, validation and ongoing management to enable a secure and trusted ecosystem to emerge around credentials.

yeah.. what if all of that.. is not what we want.. in our souls.. 
ie: what if identity/verification/validation/management/security/... not fitting with our deepest ..richest... most sustainable... thrivable. .. energy...?

Colleges and universities are in an ideal position to define for the rest of the labor market the difference between serious college achievements and unsubstantiated claims, peer endorsements or gamer achievements acquired elsewhere

well... no.
people are.
we are.

yeah. here again.

offering us 600000 plates of spinach. 

or rock..

for a price..
and control..

and our days.. children's days...

Open Badges (@OpenBadges)
7/19/14 7:00 AM
Digital Badges as Curricular Building Blocks #openbadges #edtech#competencyworks #microcredentials (via @bdean1000)
Now consider a different way of thinking about a master’s degree. What if you started by listing out the program goals? From there, you created a longer list of discrete competencies that one would need in order to demonstrate achievement of these goals. For example, perhaps one program goal related to using different models and frameworks to design high-impact learning experiences. To break this down, you might decide that achieving this goal requires knowledge and skill in designing project-based learning, service learning, inquiry-based learning, game-based learning, discussion-based learning, etc. Each of these could be listed as discrete competencies, all leading to the achievement of the overall program goal.
What if these competencies then became the building blocks of the curriculum design instead of the course? You might have a list of 50-80 such competencies, each aligned to one or more of these program goals. This is where we add the concept of digital badges. Each badge is earned by demonstrating a discrete program competency.

which we ve done in curricular design.. at least the last 20 years.
read again.. see/hear all the time we are wasting toward control... 50-80.. that change next week... no..?

now mult that by 1 yr 20 yrs..

dang us.

This is where we get into unfamiliar ground, so allow me to explain what curricular elements would go into each competency-based badge design. The foundation of each badge is one of the program-level competencies. Then we must determine what criteria one will need to meet to demonstrate competency and earn the associated digital badge


This changes the way we go about curriculum revision, redesign, and customizations
what if we don't need ...want... any of that...? (via outside control.. et al)

What happens if a new skill or area of knowledge emerges for a given field? It does not require a new course, but only the development of new competency-based digital badges. 

top down
extra keeping us from us

@KevinCarson1  @Jake_Witmer @CKinstitute System isn't broken; a manufactured crisis to create opportunity to make money off of kids' educ.

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Charles Koch Inst. @CKinstitute
How do we fix our education system & open up more opportunities for our kids? #EduSuccess
some obstacles obvious. some not so obvious. most not intentional. just us - not getting at the root. band aid ness.