Monday, April 7, 2014


 a huge part of the reason it's failing is because our social system is set up to provide validation and rewards on the basis of an extrinsic attribute (what people do) which is subject to external pressures and manipulation: and for the winners it creates incentives to perpetuate and extend this system rather than to dismantle it and replace it with something more humane.

the implications of wasting a third of our waking lives on occupations that harm ourselves and others,

take that to 2/3 of our lives.. when we include the assumed prep for such occupations.

Thanks so much to @Bloomberg's Peter Grauer, Shawn Edwards, & Vlad Kliatchko for a great #MLTalks! We'll post the video as soon as it's up.

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"My heart almost stood still." This is extraordinary: Deaf-blind Helen Keller "hears" Beethoven for the first time

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speaking @ Data Drama @ Princeton. Great lineup of speakers

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He referenced a line from Turgenev a few times, from the suicide note of a character named Nejdanov: “I could not simplify myself.” “That really struck home,” Matthiessen said. “I knew exactly what he means.” He paused and then whispered it again. “ ‘I could not simplify myself,’ ” and then he added, “That’s always been my goal.”

The structures — robes, chanting, bowing, long periods of silence — can seem rigid and foreign, but in some ways they are like the theoretical musical structures that underlie jazz. They are there to fall back on, and to make you free.

In the late 1960s, The New Yorker sent Matthiessen to Grand Cayman to sail on an old schooner in search of green turtles along the Miskito Bank off Nicaragua. He eventually turned in an article, but he felt that a novel would better express the truth of what he’d seen. He spent the next eight years experimenting with the right way to tell the story, and the book that resulted, “Far Tortuga,” is radical in nearly every way. Matthiessen uses blank space, pages of dialogue without quotation marks or attribution, pictographs, hand-drawn illustrations and, perhaps most striking for a writer who loves to draw comparisons in his work, only one or two similes in the entire book. “The trouble with metaphors and similes is they bring the author into it,” Matthiessen told me, “and I was trying to stay out of it.” The elimination of the ego is a standard part of Zen training, as is the admonition to keep things simple and free of adornment. “A roach out from underneath the cook shack with its antenna up, that was so striking and strange and beautiful that you don’t need ‘like a radio antenna’ or something like that,” he said. “You just don’t. The thing itself is so good.”

“How does that happen?” Matthiessen asked me rhetorically, posing the question of the novel. He referred back to the novel’s epigraph, a poem by Anna Akhmatova that wonders, when we are surrounded by so much death, “Why then do we not despair?” Matthiessen looked at me, eyes dancing, beating on his leg in time as he said, “Something, something, something,” unable to name the mysterious life force that allows us to rejoice even at Auschwitz. “That fascinates me.”

many of his subjects are strangers to themselves, acting for reasons they don’t understand, out of some vague impulse to find a “home” that is more an idea than a place they can ever actually return to.

the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being,”

Life has no script and so therefore none of us has a predetermined role. #babsonlatin

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Israeli extremist tries to remove Palestinian flag, gets caught on barbed wire (Video)

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.@AP's tribute to Anja Niedringhaus, killed today, is beautiful and devastating. via @stevesilberman

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Over 300 people on the Project World School web site today. Get your teen application in soon, space is limited!...

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Example @cristama If algebra was required for college graduation in 1967, there would be no Temple Grandin.

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Congratulations @EthanZ whose excellent book “ReWire” just won @ThePublicSquare Book Prize:

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“I have decided to stick with love… hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Tweeps: How cld folks use this collection of innovation expert videos fr   @bobgreenberg?

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RT @CommonFutrs:  What is the aversion to currency? It's finite such that inequality is inbuilt or 'proportionate to what x can contribute'.

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city as school..

We're trained as children to fit in, get along, be appropriate - @justinemusk urges: find your edges and live there

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Thank you for the beautiful journey Peter Matthiessen. I discovered much of myself in your writing.

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"What Bitcoin is for money, Ethereum is for trust and relationships" at min9 of the video > cc @jerrymichalski

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Must see. Finding Vivian Maier - Official Movie Trailer: via @YouTube

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Italian diplomat arrested for child trafficking

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José van Dijck, The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media #oldaily

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Letter to the Commoners of the World to participate in the Ecuadorian transition towards an open  knowledge society

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