Thursday, January 9, 2014


"The minute you choose to do what you really want to do, it becomes a different life"- Buckminster Fuller #creativity

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I'm beginning to feel resigned to the sad fact that "awesome" just won't go away as the universal superlative.

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later tweet showed he meant that it diminishes the word when we overuse it..

Recording of my talk from Fiji... live slide building in person that's alot of blah blah blah #balding

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“Democracy needs whistleblowers. That's why I broke into the FBI in 1971” Great op-ed by Bonnie Raines, Media burglar

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Krypton Course 004: Sonia Simone and the modern art of copywriting

This course is practical and, for many of you, a stretch.
It's based on Copyblogger's free subscription materials, an overlooked gem online. Sonia has been writing for Copyblogger for a while, and her approach is insightful, generous and powerful.

NationSwell (@nationswell)
1/8/14 7:17 AM
This landlord buys properties so he can offer cheap apartments to struggling

Reflection as a People Skill by @strategicmonk cc @jennifersertl

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Daniel Pink (@DanielPink)
1/8/14 7:25 AM
Why creative people tend to be eccentric . . . (via@farnamstreet)!about/c1enr

Here is my new article for The Guardian, which I wrote it with a business audience in mind. I hope it is...

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Let's stop pretending. If your company is going to make a significant step toward sustainability, it probably won't make business sense, at least not in any way that can be predicted or quantified. You will have to trust something other than the numbers. On the personal level it is the same.

There will always be a next step that doesn't make sense by the numbers.

We love the picture book Thoughtless Acts: we should design by noticing subtle/funny ways we react to the world @ideo

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Exploring Visual Thinking- a great post by @jodywonders

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adam magyar,0,4009025.story#axzz2puAaCBB1

wonder what the difference would be if the money went straight to people..

Anya Kamenetz (@anya1anya)
1/9/14 7:46 AM
A great guest post by @hrheingold on my Digital/Edu

The Peeragogy Handbook ( is a peer-created and peer-maintained online resource for peer learners. The Web is a cornucopia of texts and tools for motivated self-learners, from YouTube and Google to Big Blue Button and Open Educational Resources. Never before has so much knowledge and so many communication media been available for learners. The Peeragogy Handbook is a resource for those who have the motivation and the access to online texts and tools, but who could use some help with group peer-learning pedagogy. The Peeragogy Handbook was created by a network of more than 30 volunteers around the world — and is open to anyone who wants to enlarge and improve it.

Excited to have Dr. Peter Gray, author of #FreeToLearn, speak at #AlpineValleySchool in 1 week! He will be sharing his research on education

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Capabilities of Movements and Affordances of Digital Media: Paradoxes of Empowerment @zeynep #democracy

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together. The school’s ethos reaches its strongest expression for two weeks at the end of each trimester, when the students drop everything for an exercise known as Boss Level. During this two-week intensive, the students work in teams with their “home base

During this two-week intensive, the students work in teams with their “home bases” (similar to homerooms) to incorporate what they have learned over the previous trimester and apply it to solve a new, complex problem.

You probably have a warm memory of immersing in some sort of project or competition like this during your school years, whether during a sport, an extracurricular or even a class. What makes Boss Level different is the time and respect accorded to the experience, and the way students are guided to connect it with the rest of their education. As a MacArthur Foundation case study puts it, “Boss Levels confer academic legitimacy on creative activities that are typically absent or marginalized at conventional schools.”
no doubt... waaaay cool.

but imagine.. this happening 24/7 in the city. as the day.
with no pre set agenda of learned content...

Boss Levels confer academic legitimacy on creative activities that are typically absent or marginalized at conventional school
oh my.

academic legitimacy on creative activities....?

 If physics doesn’t grab you, you can take charge of the costumes, or stand outside the classroom and play a Christmas carol on the trumpet to usher in the judges. The

physics can't not grab you.
perhaps what us meant...
if physics doesn't grab you for said

But it’s not all just fun and games. There’s a real rigor to the competition. 

no.... ?

In part, the novelty of being judged by outside observers helps motivate the students to bring their A-game, and in the judges’ room we took our deliberations very seriously

or that's our authenticity a- game's biggest ... most unquestioned... invisible... elephant.. in the air...  no...?

There’s a real rigor to the competition

perhaps.. I might add... in ignorant boldness... 
there is no true grit (if that is what is meant by real rigor here).....

there can be no real/true/ongoing/sustainable-when no ones looking.. applauding .. awarding...
if there is the scarcity element... of competition..

in the judges’ room we took our deliberations very seriously. We found ourselves arguing about the essence of creativity and commitment: should we reward the ambitious teams for trying harder or the “perfect” kids who played it safe.
