RT @jeremyscahill Going to be on @democracynow discussing a range of issues: media freedom, amazon drones & the case of @AbdulEla
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ReachScale (@ReachScale)
12/4/13 8:30 PM
#Health Gaps Between Most Countries Could Close by
dang. we can do better than 2035.. no?
John Robinson (@21stprincipal)
12/4/13 7:19 AM
Don’t Believe the Spin from ALEC | PR
Erik Hersman (@whiteafrican)
12/4/13 7:19 AM
We’re looking for a senior engineer to join the @ushahidi team. Make your code matter:
Co.Design (@FastCoDesign)
12/4/13 7:19 AM
New MIT Media Lab (@medialab) tool lets anyone visualize unwieldy government
J.D. Stein (@jdstein)
12/4/13 7:19 AM
-9 degrees Power out. Reason according to Rocky Mountain Power is "Energy Emergency Interruption". What does that mean?
Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens)
12/4/13 7:19 AM
RT @ActivelyDigital New uses of drones in journalism. "In Thailand, a Drone's Eye View of Protests"
Kofi Yeboah (@kofiemeritus)
12/5/13 7:49 AM
@changemakers I will be watching and joining the #socentchat today from #Ghana.#africayouthfwd
Grace Khasar (@graceskII)
12/5/13 7:47 AM
@changemakers Hi, I work 4 an intl childrens camp in the mktg office w/ a passion for girls ed in Africa. Nice to meet you #africayouthfwd
Jessica Valenti (@jesslvalenti) 12/5/13 7:49 AM In salon C with @rvsmall getting ready to present! Come see us to learn about using google drive for student reflection #NHCMTC |
actually.. our first iteration of curiosity app..
3-4 yrs ago..
12/5/13 7:51 AM
Cold in ATX. Perfect few days to plan for 2014 and a larger impact on people's lives.#futureimpact
12/5/13 7:51 AM
Cold in ATX. Perfect few days to plan for 2014 and a larger impact on people's lives.#futureimpact
M.E. Steele-Pierce (@steelepierce) 12/2/13 7:47 AM Best thing I've ever read re public speaking "You have a chance to be generous in this moment, to teach & to lead..." |
better than the underwear trick... no...?
Phil Shapiro (@philshapiro)
12/5/13 7:51 AM
"youth-led social enterprise and community-rooted arts and design center. the future starts here." North Minneapolis, MN @JXTA_ARTS
12/5/13 7:51 AM
"youth-led social enterprise and community-rooted arts and design center. the future starts here." North Minneapolis, MN @JXTA_ARTS
Melinda Miller (@mmiller7571)
12/5/13 7:51 AM
Elf in the Shelf has arrived at Willard East:) I had no idea kids could be so excited:)
12/5/13 7:51 AM
Elf in the Shelf has arrived at Willard East:) I had no idea kids could be so excited:)
mr c at cc
imagine this... the city. as the day.
TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered)
12/5/13 7:52 AM Rent per on-campus student bed doubles in under
Numberphile (@numberphile)
12/5/13 7:53 AM Will admit to a crush on the Speedmaster Moonwatch by @omegawatches (but was not paid by anyone for the 10:10 vid)
Rich Watts (@rich_w)
12/5/13 8:03 AM .@mgoat73 highlights mental health social workers are starting to become responsible/approve clinicians:
Angela Natividad (@luckthelady)
12/5/13 8:09 AM Here’s to redefining ‘normal’. Provocative work for @ProInfirmis by@JvM_Limmat
Paul Thomas (@plthomasEdD)
12/5/13 8:09 AM GUEST POST: Let's Nurture Inner-Directed Students and Ignore the "No Excuses" Crowd, @drjohnthompson radicalscholarship.wordpress.
add to iterations of app
tech integration grid et al
is not.. exploration of self... entry ticket to life/ health/et al
eudaimonia as credential...
not good. no doubt.
but via one interview I saw that she gave...
was it a discussion...?
might have made all the difference..? or at least some..
she was taken aback when they interrupted her lecture... et al...
At the same time as all of this was happening, oligopolies’ hidden agendas meant that major scoops werewithheld in ideological deference to the very government officials those oligopolies claimed to be objectively covering. Ultimately, it all created an anti-meritocratic dynamic in journalism that probably hurt news quality in ways we will never fully know (how many Watergates were never reported?).
how much is withheld from us - as to what is happening to people in schools..
war on kids - et al..
why are we not listening deeper to that..?
In this new reality, governments have far less power to stop the release of humiliating information by, say, drilling holes in the hard drives of one particular media outlet. There are now so many different channels to release information — and information can now go viral no matter where it appears — that such heavy handed tactics seem less like dystopian sci-fi than absurdist comedy. That clearly pisses off — and scares — the keepers of secrets in the White House, the NSA and the GCHQ.
and in schools et al..
starfish ness..
Wow, I hadn't noticed all the nice comments on my "How to Become a Culture Hacker" talk
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US kept #Mandela on terrorist list until 2008 | Telegraph
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Paul Thomas (@plthomasEdD)
12/6/13 6:51 AM @alfiekohn @RethinkSchools Fighting the fight in SC radicalscholarship.wordpress.
Reading Self-regulation and school success: Resilience is vital but bloody hard to actually teach. Wonder if d...
Original Tweet:
hard to teach because
1. not really a taught thing/need.. but rather modeled
2. we keep trying to teach it using something not truly from the gut of a child/person... makes all the difference who's choosing what to be resilient about.. no?
Education 3.0--Where Students "Create Their Own Learning Experiences" nod to @jackiegerstein Original Tweet: Pushing the idea further, this kind of “new curriculum” would not simply some abstract matter of curiosity and whimsy, where we throw out any and all learning goals and let students run about, but rather a redefining of what students “study”–goals based on the student, their history, their passions, and their networks and native geographical communities. or perhaps that's exactly what it needs to be. perhaps this thinking is what keeps getting in our way.. no? |