Sunday, September 8, 2013

tweets - alive connected people

Audrey Watters (@audreywatters)
9/6/13 1:32 PM
Hack Education Weekly News: Zombie MOOCs, MOOC Defectors, and Other Ed-Tech…

Despite Cohen’s insistence that he’d scrubbed identifying details and changed the gender of pronouns, it was pretty clear to readers that the vertical in question was education, the incubator program New York’s Socratic Labs, and the director Heather Gilchrist. MoreHacker

Nielsen has released a survey on “connected devices” with details about students usage of tablets at school and at home. Among the activities students are using tablets for in the classroom: 51% say “searching the Internet,” but just 30% say “completing school assignments.”

Nancy White (@NancyW)
9/6/13 1:32 PM
Can Technology Help Students Find the “Sweet Spot” for Learning? | @scoopit #edchat#personalizedlearning
yes -  if we let go of managing

This explains my concerns for those who believe personalized learning is all about adaptive, computer-based systems.  I worry that those important teacher-student relationships will suffer - and that learning will be all about direct instruction with students like sponges - soaking up the information, and then regurgitating it - with little opportunity to transfer that knowledge and understanding to real-world problem solving and

spot on..

yet.. this invisibility of people.. this... being known by someone.. isn't happening as it could/should in schools (perhaps anywhere) today.

so the dance .. getting back to us.. incredibly important.
that's what tech wants..

Co.Design (@FastCoDesign)
9/7/13 6:14 AM
The Best Camera For A Child May Be One They Have To Build

like if people know code.. (thinkspace et al) they build their own c app - always in beta

pammoran (@pammoran)
9/7/13 6:14 AM
@cybraryman1 if we aren't "attached" to each other in a community, it's easy to dismiss, ignore, blame-frame, carry tales .. #satchat

pammoran (@pammoran)
9/7/13 6:16 AM
@cybraryman1 often see us as both Hurried Child and Hurried Educator - little time in our lives to mindfully make community #satchat

pammoran (@pammoran)
9/7/13 6:20 AM
.@AmicaKristy my mentor who's now deceased would love this convo taught me well . I have gratitude past due… #satchat

I said to him later that day when we talked, “I thought you were going to fire me.” His response, “and how would that help you teach?” I laughed, he smiled, and in that moment we together launched my career in education.
Discipline problems will never be solved as long as we keep forcing students to do what they don’t find satisfying -Wm Glasser (1925-2013)

Original Tweet:

Awful awful awful. “@deborahblum: Horrible news: Zimbabwe: Poachers Poison 41 Elephants with Cyanide - IBTimes UK:

Original Tweet:

Did you see the work this freshman design student named Marissa did in Intro to Typography? #omg #branding_is_ez!!

Original Tweet:


Tony Wagner (@DrTonyWagner)
9/8/13 7:02 AM
Great summary of contradiction between what we know works best versus education policy

It is therefore profoundly disturbing that the twin plagues of test score mania and budget cuts have decreased attention to the very things that can stimulate children to want to know: making sense of the natural and build worlds (science technology and engineering); investigating how people live in the world (history, social science and civics) and exploring the many ways in which people express their understanding of the world (the arts)

Collaboration: Finally, we know quite a bit about the differences between behavioral and structural changes stimulated by hierarchical compliance regimes and changes that are the result of collaboration and altered belief systems. The former tend to be superficial and short lived, while the latter deep and sustained. Compliance tends to breed resentment and cover-up, while collaboration fosters trust, openness and deep personal investment

In the current climate, acting on wisdom and hope rather than foolishness and despair takes courage. My hope is that as the school year begins teachers can summon the courage continue learning and to act on what they know about teaching and learning and that principals, superintendents, school boards and parents can work together to give teachers and their students the protected space to do so.

work together to give teachers and their students the protected space to do so.

work together to give teachers and their students the protected space to do so.

work together to give teachers and their students the protected space to do so.

Arthur H. Camins is the Director of the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. His writing can be accessed at

investigated the affordances of embedded formative assessment strategies.

Opponents of currently dominant education policies have a problem that proponents do not.  Proponents, supported by unlimited funds from several well-connected billionaires, have been able to influence local, state and national decision-makers with little open public debate even while many Americans oppose the current set of market-based ideas that are driving dramatic changes in education. Pockets of resistance are popping up around the country. Educators and researchers have exposed the unfairness, inaccuracy and instability of student test scores as a measure of teachers’ expertise and primary determinant of employment status. But, for most citizens, the controversy surrounding these reforms is not yet a dominant issue in their busy lives.

In fact, most parents are satisfied with their local schools. That is not surprising because for all the negative attention to international assessment comparisons, most middle-class students do OK.  Policy arguments about economic competitiveness are distant from the daily lives of our children. And, for parents who struggle economically, the under-resourced, poorly performing schools their children attend is but one additional aspect of a very challenging life.

With widespread adoption of teacher evaluation systems linked to high-stakes assessments,

still crazy that we weren't all over war on kids.
till it was adults.. being held to a same ness measure.... (ie: now upset about teacher eval)

Opponents need a compelling strategy to capture the attention, imagination and energy of large diverse audiences.

Under-resourced neighborhoods are the permeable membrane through which a market-based transformation of education can passed with little resistance.

curious - what did he mean by this

In the United States, we have always struggled with the inherent tension between celebrating individual freedom and embracing collective responsibility.