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Tuesday, August 27, 2013
umair haque - how to know if you're turning into a loser
via Umair - I'm going to do five points on how to know if you're turning into a loser. Enjoy ;)
umair haque
1. You're turning into a loser if you're hating harder than you love.
umair haque
2. You're turning into a loser if you're seeking any of the following: revenge, reaction, rewards, shortcuts.
umair haque
3. You're definitely turning into a loser if making other people feel bad makes you feel good.
umair haque
4. You're turning into a loser if you're following someone else's dreams.
umair haque
5. You're turning into a loser if you think what matters in life is won. It isn't. It's created.
umair haque
6. You're turning into a loser if you believe that there are winners and losers. There aren't. There are leaders and wannabes.
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