Clay Shirky (@cshirky) 6/12/13 6:24 AM As with SOPA/PIPA, Congress denying they understood what they agreed to may precede them changing their minds |
getting briefed.. doesn't mean knowing.. let alone grokking..
sounds like school... the world..
david Wiley..
we could be changing the world.. but policy keeps getting in the way ..
perhaps it's not the web that has us swimming in too much to know..
but rather.. our manufactured obsession with policy..
whoa.. can't take cell phone in.. can't take notes out, can't talk to others, jargony words
sound like school...
perhaps it does, because most all of us have spent 7hrs a day for 12+ years.. to perfect this ensuing mindset.
even though admit they are in the dark.. made to vote on it
so perhaps we do away with oversight of national security.. get back to trust.. dang.. via clay Shirky himself
let's go with just two rules.. for everyone.. for a year..
for 5 months..
for a week..
a day even..
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
6/12/13 6:28 AM
I'll be on @CBSThisMorning at 8:39am EST... In approx 10min! Tune in!
6/12/13 6:28 AM
I'll be on @CBSThisMorning at 8:39am EST... In approx 10min! Tune in!
tombarrett (@tombarrett) 6/12/13 6:30 AM But of course "when we help them to take charge of their own explorations of subject matter, they do remarkable work." |
and esp.. if we let them take charge of what that subject matter is.
ginormous difference there. no?
Education Week (@educationweek)
6/12/13 6:30 AM
.@Disney has become one of the most sought-after providers of professional development for school Distric…
6/12/13 6:30 AM
.@Disney has become one of the most sought-after providers of professional development for school
Tony Wagner (@DrTonyWagner)
6/12/13 6:36 AM
New report reveals that 50% of STEM jobs do not require a BA. Kids worried about $ should consider other
6/12/13 6:36 AM
New report reveals that 50% of STEM jobs do not require a BA. Kids worried about $ should consider other
Tony Wagner (@DrTonyWagner) 6/12/13 6:43 AM US 34th out of 35 developed countries on childhood health indices. 22% of our kids growing up in poverty! |
Students who attend low-poverty schools do well on international test scores, as well as students in any other country.
this is so.. not... my dream.
this is the elephant in the room...
lovely elephant...screaming at us by now.. no?
be quiet enough
we know too much to not. (@Webiversity)
6/12/13 6:43 AM
#tedx #WEBiversity TEDx: Making small connections with big
6/12/13 6:43 AM
#tedx #WEBiversity TEDx: Making small connections with big
ReachScale (@ReachScale)
6/12/13 6:38 AM
#Malnutrition during the critical first 1,000 days from conception can cause permanent physical and cognitive
6/12/13 6:38 AM
#Malnutrition during the critical first 1,000 days from conception can cause permanent physical and cognitive
Doug Belshaw (@dajbelshaw) 6/12/13 6:37 AM @tombarrett Yes, but the idea is that you can *cause* flow states in users by extrinsic motivators (gamification, etc.) :-) |
oh my... that's what we ve been doing for years.
that's what tech is unleashing us
Idit Harel Caperton (@Idit) 6/12/13 6:36 AM My opinion on #ConnectEd -Great @BarackObama Initiative. But We Are Already Behind via@HuffPostTech @EdSurge #edchat |
my... I don't agree with any.
1 is closest... why not 100%?