distributed the platforms...
decentralized structure
- via alec
put comments on own blog - we'll aggregate them put them in.. so sessions aren't spent spinning wheels (my translation)
reference bon stewarts posts on moocs
Mark McGuire
6:19 PM
It's like extending a home or café into a city - the difference in
scale creates something different in kind.
distributing the course over the web - to allow for agency
xmoocs - content - have to grow beyond content..
Alec Couros
6:40 PM
Put learner in the middle of that diagram - and around her, various
MOOC experiences, informal f2f opportunities, job experience, formal
education, etc. ... bring that all into once space, have it
assessed, and then take that to your future employer. Let the
monopoly of accreditation die a quick death.
Alec Couros
6:29 PM
if i failed to make any point strongly, I believe that learners
really must have their own spaces for learning, reflection, etc. ...
essential not just for MOOCs but for identity/citizenship.
Steve Ransom
6:31 PM
@Andrew... I wonder that as well. For those new to this more
self-directed and connected learning, it can be overwhelming
6:31 PM
@Andrew, getting lost is part of the process.
6:33 PM
It is not possible to overestimate tha learning that goes on amongst
steve asks - what does open mean - dave says - getting in semantic debates aren't beneficial.. (my translation) - debate creates sides.. doesn't bring people in
Mark McGuire
6:53 PM
xMOOCs are in the mall, near the picturesque fountain. cMOOCs are
the connected cities that contain them.
Mark McGuire
6:54 PM
xMOOCs open the door to the lecture theatre; cMOOCs open the door to
minh 6:55 PM cMOOCs invite immersion in self-organising
break the curriculum up - and people mobilize it - via dave
destabilize the hierarchy
revenue is in the credentialing - fee is in the assessment as opposed to for the learning
Audrey Watters
6:45 PM
interesting that those in the Social Network Analysis Coursera class
today got an email warning us NOT to collaborate or "overshare"
stevehargadon History of the MOOC @davecormier @courosa @oldaily @WelshCloggy @Ignati @couki1
http://t.co/nWRktuLK #futureofed