John Hagel (@jhagel)
8/7/12 6:37 AM
World of Warcraft as distributed, organic, highly adaptive learning community - great perspective from @jseelybrown
social life on the edge of the game
they don't have a bonus structure
you can't play without building dashboards... they are measurements superimposed on you
in business... and school... all those dashboards are decided by your boss, in wow - dashboard is decided by you..
so perhaps like the brain??
what if we decide our own dashboard..could it be via.. be app
passion, curiosity, interest-driven, unleashes exponential learning..
JSB is not being even slightly ironic when he says that he’d hire an expert player of World of Warcraft (the massive multiplayer online fantasy videogame) over an MBA from Harvard. Why? Because World of Warcraft represents the new culture of learning at its best. Its players organize themselves into massive guilds, choose specialties according to their own interests, set their own goals and create “dashboards” – or tools to measure their own performance.
The result is a distributed, organic, highly adaptive learning community that functions much more efficiently and effectively than does the old, top-down corporate model of management, in which employee benchmarks are set and their progress measured from above via performance reports.