Wednesday, August 15, 2012

doug belshaw - mozilla open badges


The goal:help millions of people move from using the web to making the web. As part of Mozilla’s non-profitmission, we want to help the world increase their understanding of the web, take greater control of their online lives, and create a more web literate planet.

via Jess Klein working on UX - user experience

Doug using

love this:
What we’re trying to do as a Learning team is to identify Web Literacies, Competencies and Skills that can be badged. We’re organising these into ‘constellations’ as my colleague Chloe Varelidi so eloquently puts it – learning pathways that allow learners to follow their interests.

hey Doug.. (or anyone)
wondering if we can use tech to let their intentional talking to themselves daily to create their own pathway... so focus is off badging or even leveling.. they are just doing.. and leaving a trail

data about data