Scott McLeod (@mcleod)
8/12/12 7:00 AM
Number of Homeschoolers Growing Nationwide aka "When schools fail to adapt...?" or "When we demonize educators...?"
imagine we believe we can think for ourselves - make choices that matter.
imagine public ed becomes a facilitation of curiosities, of dreams
imagine a new currency - that of connections.. and connections that matter.
we have all we need, no?
we just need to realize it, boldly reclaim ourselves..
Indy Johar (@indy_johar)
8/12/12 6:36 AM
“@alexjphillips: Thousands Become ‘Citizens’ of Ideal Nation - - by Alexander Phillips #UT” -- great idea!
a new zipcode even (via heather)
johnmaeda (@johnmaeda) 8/12/12 4:31 AM OH "Most great opportunities really aren't complex — but they aren't obvious to everyone."