Monday, June 4, 2012


Sheryl NussbaumBeach (@snbeach)
6/4/12 5:12 AM
1/3 Research shows that expectancy removes dopamine. To get strongest response for motivation for learning need to make it unpredictable.

thank you Sheryl..
your above tweet caught my eye.. very much believe in swimming in uncertainty - if we want what's best for healthy lives..

the following tweets.. got me detoxing myself (reflecting) on competition.
not fond of competition... believe we have a hard time steering clear of ego - so have loved the old - only competing against yourself.
in fact a lot of our talk about.. away from standardized tests and into self-assessment came from that thinking.

but after your tweet today - it really dawned on me (true or not true - but in my head) that even competing against myself isn't the healthiest route.
i know physically, if i sign up for a marathon or masters swimming... i will kabosh the restorative niche i have created in my ritualistic swim and run, and i won't be as mentally healthy as i can be. i know for myself, i would let competition set in.
so - how much as well - for daily whatevers. 
how much freer are we to be - when it isn't about winning or losing... the winning is simply in the doing/being.

so yeah.. having a hard time seeing competition as beneficial...even if it did give us more dopamine.. at this point - i'd say perhaps an unnatural self-induced drug. compromising even in the smallest way - my (your) potential

And it makes me wonder... does competition create 50/50 chance of winning and therefore encourage dopamine production?
My previous 3 tweets were from a session I attended at Learning and the Brain conference. Strong support for gaming as learning.
3/3 need to include failure as a learning construct.
2/3 Create opportunities for 50/50 chance of reward. If we want all kids to achieve in traditional ways (high grades, test well) then ...