Saturday, April 21, 2012

milenko matanovi

"I work with communities of place ... just people who happen to live together in the same neighborhood, same city, same town, who come from different cultures, ideologies, religions, tastes and values. In my philosophy, those differences are the greatest untapped asset we have in our society. In what conditions can those differences lead to something productive?" --Milenko Matanovic

Milenko Matanovic is a self-described recovering artist whosePomegranate Center in Issaquah, Wash., is using collaboration to transform communities nationwide.

solving problems rather than arguing..

Andrew Zolli (@andrew_zolli)
4/19/12 8:44 PM
PBS does a GREAT piece on artist, #poptech amigo and personal hero Milenko Matanovich, on cocreating change: #fb #li