"The engineless hour is all but extinct": the NYT on the demise of silence, a topic dear to my heartnyti.ms/wAp1zy [corrected link]
Harold Jarche (@hjarche)
Jobs, which can be “filled”, turn people into commoditiesjarche.com/2011/07/the-jo…
Scott Heiferman (@heif)
My favorite talk at this year's TED youtube.com/watch?v=2MYsx6…@JonHaidt
ajenkins (@ajenkins)
“@ewanmcintosh: Reading Design Thinking for Social Innovation | Stanford Social Innovation Review:bit.ly/A5NAt6” - thx 4 sharing
Jen Hetzel Silbert (@jhsilbert)
Cheers to @amoshouse for trusting ppl may not want to trust, support necess to go from prostitute, drug addict to#entrepreneur #SEEE2012
@johnmaeda speaks to what matters: what's inside ourselves & what our body does w it. Ask questions to understand it deeply
why we built it: http://thecitizensmedia.com/
Anne McCrossan (@Annemcx)
RT @theplayethic Ghosting into the machine bit.ly/wwWmwK < bloody good read
this says a huge amount about mepinterest.com/annemcx/pins/
Kes Sampanthar (@KesSampanthar)
RT @TEDchris: Ugh! RT: @timoreilly A new target for tech patent trolls: cash-strapped American citiesbit.ly/xwOkgD
Dougald Hine (@dougald)
There's now a website for our John Berger project - bit.ly/FOvouc - join us for the next meetup on Tuesday!
sandymaxey (@sandymaxey)
What is wrong w/ Curriculum? "The point of learning is not just to know things but to be a different person"goo.gl/igGLu @timekord - via grant wiggins
Clint Hamada (@chamada)
In 2007/8, non-IB student performed IB students on ISA test only in G5. #ibap
3/17/12 8:07 AM
Student from @colingally presents PYP exhibition in minecraft- tinyurl.com/6rh7egr @janeinjava @jacqui5p@bruceashton @theitkahuna
Béa Beste (@playDUcation)
If you think design, it might also be the design of learning experiences:
Alec Couros (@courosa)
Playing around with canvas.instructure.com - quite impressive as far as LMS's go. See demo:bit.ly/Ang1UH
Slides from my keynote presentation at #ceatca last week available here:slidesha.re/z5VyKd
Joel Levin (@MinecraftTeachr)
Great article! RT @audreywatters: MinecraftEDU: Minecraft for the classroombit.ly/xiB7e9
Roberto Greco (@rogre)
Prisons and schools compared: jeffajohnson.com/2012/01/
"students…“drilled into writing” in formulaic manner between ages of 11 & 18…[left] unable to articulate their ideas…" telegraph.co.uk/education/