2/1/12 6:16 AM
every age has its mythology, an overarching meta-narrative that defines it and guides its purpose. what is ours? #pondering#storytelling
kdwashburn (@kdwashburn)
2/1/12 6:22 AM
What should we be teaching? zite.to/A4WJod#education
Randy Turner (@rturner229)
2/1/12 6:08 AM
No one likes Jane Cunningham. KC Star columnist says her plan to destroy KC public schools may save them:rturner229.blogspot.com/2012/
Chris Lehmann (@chrislehmann)
2/1/12 6:15 AM
Beyond Leveled Readers is a lovely, practical way to create a culture of reading in the k-8 class.amzn.to/wMvOmj #Kindle
Cathy Davidson (@CathyNDavidson)
2/1/12 6:26 AM
White House office studies benefits of video game--ones that get kids hooked on learning! USATODAY.comusat.ly/wdIq3W
Tony Baldasaro (@baldy7)
1/31/12 8:24 PM
“@willrich45: "Preparing Students to Learn Without Us" bit.ly/xmMzMM My new essay in Ed Leadership. #edreform#edchat #cpchat”
dcannell (@dcannell)
1/31/12 6:38 AM
Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrongzite.to/xRKS0l via @zite
We're almost there . . . toward meeting our 80% TCAP Achievement target for Grade 3 Reading, as a district.
The attached report shows individual school results and how they compare with the district average prediction of 79% (without our two charter schools and students with mobility within our schools). It also includes your favorite Quadrant Plot.
These predictions may not exactly match those on Acuity for several reasons. This report
1. is based on the actual "scale score" and "incremental proficiency (IP) score" of each student (along with the associated psychometric and instructional implications),
2. only includes students who tested in A, B, and C at the same school,
3. does not include a small number of outliers whose normalized gain (growth) was less that -100%.