2/10/12 5:51 AM
New post: Why Obama’s NCLB waivers aren’t what he says they areow.ly/1hhCPu
Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Tennessee are the first states to win the controversial waivers, Obama announced Thursday, but there is a catch. Instead of following the law that was president George W. Bush’s signature education initiative, the states had to agree to follow the key education reforms championed by Obama’s Education Department. States are swapping one president’s education vision for another, and both involve the overuse of high-stakes standardized tests.
spot on.
we're seeking a waiver of waivers..
cc Congressman Jared Polis Barack Obama Bill Gates Warren Buffett Tony Hsieh Diane Ravitch Deborah Meier
“Do one thing everyday that scares you.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
imagine if the one thing that scares you, is way less risky than what we're doing as routine..
imagine if it's the thing that could change the world for good.
collaboratory, one small test base to really be bold about change:https://docs.google.com/
For the freeing up of people to partake, we are requesting a waiver of waivers: a year sabbatical for any who so chooses in our district, as we time lapse the last 2 years (of this 4 year plan to redefine school crafted by kids) into one year. We are not interested at all in raising test scores, we are interested in raising people. Their hopes, their dreams, their children, their souls.