and then ways to do just that..
and then;
in fact, a recent mri study shows that when people use self-talk (detox, no?) to reassess upsetting situation, activity in their prefrontal cortex increases in an amount correlated with a decrease of activity in their amygdala.. (in other words - able calmly blithe on.. no?)then she (cain) refers to this as unlearning...
mcwilliams would be happy - detox - knowing what to do when you don't know what to do - as self-talk - as unlearning..
p. 118
interesting: when the cortex has other things to do than soothe an excitable amygdala
p. 119 - not true that i'm no longer shy, i've just learned to talk myself down from the ledgeah sally - i hear you.
p. 218 - find your restorative niche.. the place where you can go to get back to you. via Little:
it can be a physical place, like the path beside the river, or a temporal one, like the quiiet breaks you plan between sales calls. it can mean canceling your social plans on the weekend before a big mtg at work, practicing yoga, or choosing email over in-person
p. 219 - sitting a certain spot in a gathering - that little bit of physical distance felt more comfortable to me, and let me read the room and comment from a perspective ever so slightly removed..
p. 221 - one you need to strike free trait agreement with is - yourself... - so you don't feel guilty when you take those restorative niches