seeking to show (whoever) the capability of a community listening to itself with the use of tech that allows for transparency, lurking until trust and connection and understanding is established, because of the affordability of a 24/7 ongoing convo... [rather than a one hour session when many might be gathered in a space, and until that trust is built.. via oscar Wilde..a d the power of ego, and the lack os soul peace... most people are other people.]
...the capability of that listening to itself, to each other, without an agenda, in order to crowdsource communities of practice, gatherings that matter... so that govt funding for Ed at least could then be per census rather than seat time, st tests, etc.
where the focus is on self-assessment, via this process of learning, and in fact, this process (detox) is also used, via phone app, to creat serendipity, much like seeclickfix is used to fix potholes... allowing us to break down walls, and listen to the sound of silence, to see, and better connect to, the invisible.
busyness turns into betterness.
mediocre into breathtaking.
status quo into brilliance.