30ish posts from 2011
in regard to badges.
just met with alex and ruby of hourschool.. their new site shows classes taught and taken. you can then link to people who were in the class.. etc.
wondering if that might be a good means to resume or whatever..
listening to cormier today..
talking about peer review, and facts, etc.
and he said, (this is my interpretation and possible misrepresentation - as always - no?)
that out of those systems... we have created for credentialing, et al..
we come away not with something necessarily true, but rather with something we have validated.
fitting with kids impression that 75% cheat or cram the night before tests.. so the test score may validate something on a piece of paper, diploma, etc.. but it's certainly not in truth.. of what a person knows... etc
our consumerism, our consumption, or addiction to validation..
that's a good question.. a good wondering.. where is it taking us.. what has it made us..
must we continue in its pursuit...