Sunday, September 11, 2011

jodhbir singh

my mind is reeling... and today's reelings - i'm blaming on the power/potential when virtual meets face to face.
jodhbir is visiting, after maybe 2 years of virtual connections. the ideas/movies/conversations/doings/dreaming he brought with him are keeping me alert, waking me up, driving me to edges.

ghandi, the great debators, tools of conviviality...


  • when we unite, when we connect, movement happens. and it can happen in a humane/convivial way.
  • when is now. why hasn't anyone?

our message/energy from a real, face to face space, is creating this focus:
many are doing/being/unleashing creativity/passion/innovation. what we are needing/missing/craving - the coming together of a movement so that it's not about equal rights, but equal work. not about equal outputs, but equal inputs (illich).
what we are needing/missing/craving - is a focus of dissatisfaction/essence/urgency into the root of our problem: prescribed learning, or prescription, or dependency.
whatever you want to call it.
it's the perpetuation of  non-conviviality - of being programmed (rushkoff) - of non-empowerment - of non-urgency..

what if we focus more on why the prescription, then on how to improve it.

let's keep on doing these amazing things. it's such a simple/unleashing/empowering time. we can all connect/do/dream/be - but let's join in a responsibility to noticing why we are spinning our wheels. why now is not coming.. we're satisfied with the prescription. we're addicted to the prescription. that addiction/satisfaction is perpetuating mindlessness/insanity/belief that the time is not now. that tomorrow is the day.

the time is now. we can. today.

listen to seth's now message..from today.

thank you for making what matters, matter more.
thank you for making what matters, happen today...
