Thursday, July 28, 2011

jeff lebow

i met Jeff because of google + hangouts..
when a hangout and the coop collided.

been following some of his ustreamed hangouts...
the other day, one in particular, on mooc, Jeff said something to this effect:

the other guys in the hangout were giving him a hard time of his geekiness.. like - how much superppower can Jeff take on.. and that they hadn't even tapped into his capabilities in facilitating conversations on hangouts and ustream chat... etc.

Jeff said.. that's what i do.. i bridge things.. when i see conversations going on in different places, i can't not try to bridge them.
(go to the july 27 edmooc ustream to hear for yourself

that's huge.
that's the huge element of what we're after.
in essence.. that's a huge piece of the definition of innovation.. connecting ideas, unlikely ideas even..

posting it again because this site is huge

stephen downes does hit what i've been thinking of circles on the head.. they are a filter for you - and others -  but in a transparent way..
also - adding facets of people to circles

dang... didin't know this existed:

dang. huge.
remix is innovation, is learning, .. can change the world..
