Saturday, July 30, 2011

i'm thinking i got this from Thomas first..

Reality as failed state - tl;dr version (I like doing this)

I can only offer these leads – the power of unflinching awareness, of looking directly at the crisis we find ourselves in; the natural centrifugal tendency of human consciousness, when it is given the necessary time and space, free from distraction and negative stimulus; our minds’ ability to re-coalesce, despite ourselves, into unified singularity; and, perhaps most importantly, the remediating power of joining together in reality with other human beings: of connecting the ideas, the facts, the data, the lonely realities discovered in the long watches of the night lit only by the ghostly lantern-light of a laptop, with the immediate, pulsing, reviving, hope-giving reality of mutual conviviality and of shared human presence.

the web is allowing us this space now., that is part of the new..
the cool thing.. the boldness we gain from that new is allowing us boldness to call out physical spaces.. mimicking the web as it were, as not only - not ridiculous, but something we can't not do... for youth.

(youth, you to whatever degree you decide)

from organic playgrounds to random and rhizomatic and ongoing conversations on video chats, to mental/physical spaces of permission to be..