Saturday, June 18, 2011


humane [hjuːˈmeɪn]adj
characterized by kindness, mercy, sympathy, etc.
humaneadjective kind, compassionate, good, kindly, understanding, gentle, forgiving, tender, mild, sympathetic, charitable, benign, clement, benevolent, lenient, merciful, good-natured, forbearing, kind-hearted Their aim is for a more just and humane society.

com·mu·ni·ty  (k-myn-t)
Society as a whole; the public.

my question...
does focus on human rights compromise/limit a humane community - as in a society as a whole, the public?

i'm wondering if we get so focused on the rights part that we forget/neglect the humane part.
i'm wondering if we squelch the very culture we are seeking... that of trust....

do people's agendas get in the way.. everyone has a story.. and determining who's rights are more important or more vital seems to take over
ok so some people have an agenda and some dont but if rights are being restored does that matter

i'm thinking yes - if it becomes more about rights.. than trust
valuing people period

humane communities are such a no brainer.. i'm curious why they aren't taking hold

help me wonder..
