Monday, April 25, 2011

josh kaufman

super advice
get your degree from the library
get a business degree in 1 yr for 4000 from harvard

11,000 business books published every year

A World-Class Business Education in a Single Volume

Master the most important concepts in business with Josh Kaufman, author of The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business...

site is to help others filter those books
became less about books and more about the ideas - mental models
learn them first - you'll be as well prepared for the business world

the goal - learn enough about how businesses work - to ask the right questions
from a reader - book helped me defrag - all i learned from business

5 parts of any business:
1) value creation
2) marketing
3) sales
4) value delivery
5) finance

once you add more people to team - communication overhead - need mtgs to plan the next mtg
more than 3 but less than 12 - seems to be team capacity
the more you understand how people work - the better your business will be..
