Sunday, April 3, 2011

john hagel

post on next wave..

couldn't get my comment to post.. so posting it here:
it seems we spend so much time creating spaces to share and things to share (esp in ed) and then even more time creating ways to get people to come to those spaces and to take a look at what we've done. and once there - we try to build the right culture. etc..
while these are all good things.. can we do better? can we save all that time in creating/inventing/inviting and rather combine/innovate with things that already exist?
too often.. if not always - not enough come, and our creations don't see their potential. we're not open enough for the element of possible adjacencies (Steven Johnson) to kick in.
what if the glue tying us all together is a culture of sharing/trust. what if our desire is to help each person on the planet to have access to anything we've learned. like - we are all participating in the game of life, and it behooves us if all the players are the best they can be. (currently reading Jane McGonigal’s Reality is Broken)
we live in the perfect time. the edge is us. we can now become the web, we can swim in the knowledge flow. i'm thinking - we just need to give up our urges to manage our own specialized space and rather - meet up first where the crowd already is. ie: wikipedia, youtube...
what if these became the universal sharing spaces. the web is alluring, wikipedia is a great platform for organizing the alluring. like the web, wikipedia has just about something for everyone, and if it doesn't have what you are seeking, cool jets, you get to add a page.
i see your world of warcraft reference esp in wikipedia, groups forming within the links. and your surfers reference perhaps within youtube, communities forming as we change the spirit of comments.
what if the new culture is about sharing in these spaces as we embraced them as our home base. then people can learn per passion, they can follow their fancy.. but within a wide open space filled with adjacent possibilities. and everthing is usable, as opposed to disposable.
what if we could/would spend less time creating our own little ponds - and just jump into the ocean. to me, it’s like the ponds are slightly improved stocks. yet - what’s bad - because it is an improvement, we’re under the illusion that we are in the ocean.
what if going straight to where the people are - the ocean - allows us time. time for more of both:
1) exposure to unlimited opportunities
2) richer conversations/experiences - i was thinking through some virtual coffeehouse, but better yet - perhaps, aerotropolis..
