Tuesday, January 25, 2011

tony robbins

decision is the ultimate power, thanks @garystager

reason failed to achieve..
didn't have knowledge, money, time, manager, ..
these are a claim to you missing resources..
but that is not the defining factor
the defining factor is never resources, it's resourcefulness
if you have emotion, human emotion

emotion is it.. if we can get the right emotion -
we can get ourselves to do anything
if we don't have enough money, but are creative..
emotion is the ultimate resource

what's your target - not your desire - your needs
1) certainty
2) uncertainty - like surprises? you like the surprises you want - variety
3) significance - the fastest way if you don't believe in resourcefulness is violence, that's why violence will always be around, until we get a consciousness change
4) connection and love
these 1st four - needs of personality - everyone finds a way to meet
last 2 - needs of the spirit
5) grow - if you don't grow, it doesn't matter how much money you have or friends you have
6) give - contribute beyond yourself, secret to living is giving
giving shows others that strangers care

17 - fed 2 families... then started growing
18 years later - feeding 2 mill people in 35 countries
not trying to brag but i'm proud of human beings because they get excited to contribute once they get a chance to experience rather than talk about it.

are you driven by significance or love

we have the same needs, but are we a certainty freak or an uncertainty freak

if your dominate emotions..listed
- all the world
less than 12 - and more than half make them feel bad

some people, no matter what happens, find a way to be ticked off
some people, no matter what happens, find a way to be happy

explore your web, the one inside you
the needs, the beliefs, the emotions that are controlling you
1) so there's more for you to give
2) so you can appreciate what's driving other people
