Friday, December 3, 2010

bill ury

finding that 18th camel

secret to peace
easy - but not simple
it's us
us who act as a surrounding community behind any conflict

whenever tempers rise,... they hide the poison arrows and they talk till they have resolution.. and if it doesn't happen - they send them off to relatives until they settle.
we say there are always 2 sides
but there is a 3rd side - it is us
us can:
1) remind each other of perspective
(when angry you will make the best speech you will ever regret)

basic value - respect

walking - has a real power...
when you walk
walk the Abraham path
abrahamic hospitality of kindness toward people

it's not just about psychology - it's about economics
you have made me visible in a village who was once ashamed to look at me

change the frame from hostility to hospitality
from terrorism to tourism

changing london from 1945 - changes happen when we're us
1) the secret to peace is the 3rd side
2) the 3rd side is us
3) each of us with a single step can bring the world a step closer to peace

when spider webs unite, they can halt even the lion