Thursday, November 25, 2010

hagel and brown

successful pull business count
rather than
like seat time.
p. 84 the power of pull by hagel, brown & davison

p. 86:
Flexible access to people and resources can be enormously powerful in a world driven by changes that, more often than not, lead us in unanticipated directions....
p. 87:
If we do not master the ability to access people and resources as needed, we will risk becoming progressively marginalized by those who understand and embrace the foundational changes playing out on a global scale.
Rather than relying on financial leverage, we need to become more adept at "capability leverage" - finding and accessing complementary capabilities, wherever they reside in the world, to deliver even more value.

serendipity can be systematically and methodically shaped
passion leads to pursuit, which creates connections

p. 91
unexpected encounters with people is far more valuable in the era of the big shift than other forms of serendipity  (yossi vardi and kids on cells - all about people)

p. 94-95
serendipity - finding things we didn't know we were looking for
tacit knowledge exists only in people's heads.. you've got to stand next to someone who already knows and learn by doing.
serendipity - means to access rich flows of tacit knowledge, in long term relationships

amplify - to increase # of encounters and filter - to focus
pull is not a spectator sport

use deep listening to draw out and uncover big issues
conferences are a filter for the broader world.
