Tuesday, October 19, 2010

nancy white

ownership is best if you want to have a community

tech: designed for a group - experienced through an individual


tech steward

communities of practice are things that emerge in connectiveness
that community might not persist for a long time..

an ecosystem that we're not all experiencing the same way

1) understand our identity
2) own learning
3) increase multi-modal ways to express self

facilitators - to make easy...
community leaders
tech stewards
network weaver -  notice possibility to connections
independent thinkers

read - chris allen - group size - life with illacroty 
Chris Campbell (@bitdepth): http://www.lifewithalacrity.com

people who are comfortable involving other people definitely have an advantage

her book: digital habits

strategic, management, design, development

Moderator (john smith): http://learningalliances.net/2010/07/tech-steward-meet-tech-mentor/

jackiegerstein: Can we go another hour?  

Moderator (NancyWhite): Chris, lots of line shining. Paying attention

Moderator (Steve Hargadon):  

Moderator (NancyWhite): Mimi Ito

jackiegerstein: Useful works!

Nick Noakes: community more organic ... strategic suggests more long range planning and thus assumptions?

Liz Dorland: danah boyd and those guys

Moderator (NancyWhite): http://patternsofchange.wordpress.com/


learning about tech is not something that happens in a class

check out john smith - was moderator