Friday, August 6, 2010

james bach - buccaneer-scholar

this is so fitting with the last post... with my last year actually.

i've been reading buccaneer scholar.. i'm on page 127, where James is sharing a 4-part self-appraisal.

fitting with students creating their own curriculum.. owning their learning... they must learn to assess themselves.

i'm sure James won't mind me sharing these two pages.. if so... i'll take the wrath later. this is too good to wait for you to buy the book. which you should by the way.

1) my public status comes from my reputation, my portfolio, and how i do on life's tests. reputation is the story other people tell about me. my portfolio is the part of my work available for review. a test is any opportunity to demonstrate my knowledge and skill.

2) my personal sense of worth comes mainly from feeling lovable. i want people to like and respect me, but i don't need them to. feeling lovable means that i think anyone would like and respect me as long as they were not crazy and they truly knew me.

3) my public and personal statuses are not necessarily aligned. either one can be in a good condition while the other one is broken. i can have a high standing in my career or family, yet know that is based on fraud. or i can know that i'm terrific, yet work for an employer that doesn't want what i have to offer. for me, i feel terrible stress when my public reputation doesn't mirror my private sense of myself. i need to bring them in to alignment. that can mean changing my job or my project.

4) my public status allows me to make a living. my personal sense of worth makes me want to live. i earn my bread with my public status do people want to hire me? are they interested in my ideas? but before i can put energy into my work, i first have to believe i'm personally worthy.
