just submitted this to the kohl's $500000 gift to schools for tvhs.
very cool of them by the way.
i heard of the contest from @ktenkley - so please use your vote on her first - if you're so inclined. 20 schools get the 500 thousand.
Students have worked over that last year to help craft a 4 year plan of disruption to redefine school. A disruption in the sense that it is low cost & low impact, gradually growing over the years as users tweak and improve it. One piece we're working on is digital equity in regard to connectivity. In the mean time, having more districts in year 1 of the plan to validate the process is what we're after. Getting just 10 ipod touches into 250 to 300 districts would work the disruption. Or if we figure out a way to refurbish recycled cells - we could include even more districts. Here's a look at the plan: http://redefineschool.wordpress.com/
Thank you Kohl's for your gift to ed. Best wishes to the incredible ideas submitted.