Monday, June 14, 2010

working on my escalator speech


i love this image that Dominika, the Creative Director of Seeducation has as her twitter background.

as far as audience...
i think this speech is actually for the ones who are closer to getting it... or maybe not.. who knows...

  dilemma/opportunity: lack of rigor/engagement
  research: suggestions for engagement and  content infinitely diverse
  solution: one skill everyone needs is how to learn - teach that through pln's per passion

faq thus far:
1. what if kids change their passion?
they have developed a means to learn whatever they need - as opposed to a content that may no longer be valid in 5 years
2. how do you validate?
interesting read on validation - here are my current notes
3. how do you find your passion?
play, watch a lot of demos, play, ask a lot of questions - freedom and empowerment
4. how do you make sure kids get what they need?
there in lies the critical role of the expert individual tutor - and the teacher facilitator

the current escalator speech
after 20 years in the classroom - this year i've learned with great excitement - that there really is something new (as opposed to just improved) this time around the ed reform.

while vamping up content,
moodle to prometh to kahn uni,
and hyping up engagement,
youtube, cool tech tools,
.... is great... the web is allowing
a brand new opportunity - to connect per passion.
expert individual tutors, personalized learning spaces

people have written about and experienced it.. many still don't quite get it. 

i've experienced the profound impact a purposefully selected expert individual tutor has had on my own learning. and it's like i can't sleep till each of my students and fellow teachers can experience the same.

relationship and community is becoming the curriculum.. and there's nothing else like it. it's a guaranteed high when it happens.

i've learned there are pockets of this all over.. but we're not yet leveling this access.

i've learned i have a new mission.
access, process, connectivity

my summer plans:
2. research/experience how to do this - time for a new expert tutor