today's edchat was on plns's influence.. 3 hours later - people are still rattling on about them.
cool jets.
@mrtownsley just gave this great insight and visual
PLN != online networks.
PLN = personal learning network
my take on his visual
pln = personal learning networks
we've always had and still do - but they are face to face - and a lot of times not even noticed as such, they are great nonetheless... a support system.. people that nudge you and you nudge them to be better than you would without them
pln!= online/virtual personal learning networks (i'm thinking he would be ok with me including the word hybrid here - as some still will be face to face - heck i included a whole slew of words that aren't his)
description of network above - but now on steroids... amped up a bit - because they now include virtual relationships, which means now i get to connect to people purely per passion, since i am no longer bound by geographythen - @shellterrell shared this gem i had not seen before.
notice @gsiemens comment about a networks being equiv to a degree program:
The first reference from George Siemens I find is September 30, 2003. "Most of us belong to more than one learning community. These multiple communities form a personal learning network. If a learning community equates somewhat with a course, then our learning network is equivalent to a degree program."