Tuesday, June 29, 2010

iste 10 alan november

the strategy of improving learning - is to focus on the conversation between children...
not staff development

none did 2x16...
and then they said:

do they say that about our hw...?

with hw there is no purpose
her purpose of spending 2 hours as opposed to 10 min on factoring 32 was to:  

a new purpose- 
every teacher could start every year by having kids design tutorials to teach others
no grades to no tutorial design - dan pink, drive

self-directed is an absolute critical skill
next to:

if i had to give one tool - it would be a screencaster - like:

grab an ipod - house all those video tutorials
first day of school is so critical..
high tech high

give kids top 10 most difficult to learn concepts in the course.
they say - these are the most difficult to learn concepts - i need your help
go use google, etc, .... and help find me stuff to teach these...
research is clear - kids would rather than listen to kids than teachers

kids voices explaining the curriculum

 highly motivating learning jobs:
job #1 - tutorial designers

this workshop is about a shift of control
(who owns the learning)

from a kid: all you really need is a computer but you might want something more affordable - via kids
oh yea - and don't forget the kids

we haven't spent enough time to empower the kids

all of a sudden - no hw - kids are demanding to become producers of content
a classroom that creates a condition of purpose that kids want to go on what teachers expect
that's a beautiful concept

job #2 -  official scribes

during the course of the year - his kids write the calc textbook

there's a check point for whole class 5 min before the class
darren says he is the one that benefits the most... that feedback at the end of each day - learn tons

relationship in classroom improved - because every kid is making a contribution
fascinating idea - to have an official scribe in the classroom - at the end of the year - they have a textbook

notetaking - 3 people taking them - each one in their own perspective - and asks others to please add to them if they find stuff

no one took better notes than those three
every teacher has an official scribe team rotating every day
at midnight when they wake up

at one session alan did - he was having trouble with tech... he stopped and said...
i can't work here - i will quit today
a week later the district opened up everything
{so  - a piece of digital equity - november visiting every district - yes?}

current plan is not working...
and you don't get feedback as a teacher

this doesn't set well with a lot of teachers - it's a shift in control

previous post on november

job #3 - researchers

combo of wolfram alpha and screencasting software... completely gives up control

he read some comments from fearless leadership

i would rather kids would use their cell phones in the age of wolfram alpha
a cell phone pilot:
every school should gather up a team of kids 
to figure out 
best use of cell phones

get the teams list

go get the map... kids says - aren't you the teacher
then kid asks - can i answer my own question too..
has school culture  
conditioned kids to depend 
on the teacher to answer their questions

epals - 
another job
job #4 - global communicators
can track down research centers, emails, etc for the class to do good research

kiva - based on a noble prize in economics - if you give a little money to a local entrenpreneur - rather than a lot of money to a government
november said if web was invented for one thing alone it would be:

i dont think we should put fear in kids - as soon as you tell them not to go to places (like wikipedia, youtube, facebook) that's where they go

job #5 - learning documentary producers

it's important to share your knowledge with the world.
single best strategy to improve learning

job #6 - solvers of real problems
godin says school should do 2 things - teach leadership and solve interesting problems
what if school was real life...

work that has purpose
you do not give letter grades for that type of work - for that you say - do your best and don't stop till it's done

i love alan november